Saturday, July 21, 2007

two liters

ellen woke me at about 1:15 am, friday morning. she said that she was having trouble breathing and couldn't sleep. we were checked out of the hotel and on the road by 1:45.

we got to the emergency room at duke by 4:00 am. there were about 10 people waiting but ellen was taken back within 5 minutes. they got her to her room in the e.r. and did some blood work and did a chest x-ray. after seeing the 'impressive' (the doctor's word) amount of fluid on her right lung they decided to admit her.

we were taken to a private room on the 9th floor and waited a while to see someone (this was good because we were both able to take a nap for a little bit). later in the afternoon two doctors came in and gave us the options. she could have a chest tube inserted to remove all of the fluid or she could have most of the fluid drawn off from a needle through her back. the first option would have required her to stay, at least, overnight. the second option, though most likely not permanent, would give her relief until she checked into the hospital on monday. the second option seemed more reasonable because if she has to have the chest tube later, she'd already be in the hospital.

the two doctors came in to do the procedure at her bedside. they opened up a kit and filled her back full of lidocaine but made one crucial mistake: they told ellen everything that they were doing. "you'll feel some pressure from the needle" and "now i'm insering the tap to draw the fluid" were not things that ellen wanted to hear. they were able to pull out 3 small specimen tubes before ellen called it quits and decided that she wanted to throw up.

after some time ellen and the doctors decided that they would give it another try with one major change: they weren't allowed to tell her anything. this time we all chatted about where we were all from, schools attended, etc. after 20 minutes or so they had pulled two liters of fluid from her lung. it was astonishing. she had been trying to breath with all of that fluid pulling down on her lung.

they discharged her and said she should feel better for the next few days. fortunately we were able to get into the apartment a few days early so we are taking it easy and trying to rest for the upcoming week.

two liters.


Anonymous said...

HI Ryan and Ell,
This is a great idea. I seem to check my email more frequently lately as I am waiting for updates and praying for nothing but good news. I know how Ell has a weak stomach and through all of this please make sure they don't describe anything to her Ryan. :) I am hoping and praying every day for nothing but the best. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help out. We love you both..
Kelly and Doug Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!
Thanks for all the updates! We are thinking about you both. We are here for you!
Dan & Stephanie Smith

Anonymous said...

Ryan & Ellen-
Hello to you both. Ryan thank you so much for setting this blog up and keeping us updated. Ellen, I miss you girl and wish I could be closer to you to just be there if you need anything. You are consistantly in my prayers. I have been praying for the Lord's peace and comfort to be over both of you along with your families. Please let me know if there is anything specific I can pray for. Love you and I will see you soon!

Anonymous said...

sorry I forgot to sign my name. The above comment was from me:)
Natalie Cressy

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you both this morning as this is the first day for treatment. I am so glad that you set up the blog this is such a great idea. You are both in my prayers everyday!


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

hey guys! i am SO glad you are doing this. i'll be checking it daily don't you worry...

and by the way, two liters!?!?
holy crap ellen! : )


Anonymous said...

I love you both so much. Keep your spirits high El, you're so strong. You will be home and healthy before you know it. Good idea on the blog. I forwarded it to a few that have been asking about you. See you next week. Love Jaime

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea, Ryan! We will put this in our 'favorites' file and check in frequently. We worry about both of you - so glad you have each other but when you need anything - and this means you too Ryan - call on us!
Jan Kotila

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen & Ryan....Sorry to hear that your break at the beach was cut short, but after Ellen kicks cancer in the butt you can have lots of vists to the beach! You have no idea how many people praying for you to come home with your health. I'm praying for the doctors and all your caregivers too. Love you lots, Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

Hey you 2!
Wow, 2 liters! That's craziness...
I'm sure that helped you breathe better! Are you all set up in your new place? i'd like to see pics if you have some! thinking about both of you (a lot)!
p.s. this is the first time i've ever blogged- is that what i'm doing? it rules.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan,
You're in my thoughts everyday and I'm so glad Ryan created this blog to keep everyone updated on what's going on in Durham. Ellen, I hope the fluid in your lung clears up today. Stay strong - I love you!

Debbe said...

Ryan and Ellen-
Christy just called to say she was headed to Charleston to babysit the great nephew. She and Sharon will be meeting Maggie
s boyfriend tonight at dinner. They claim they will be on their best behavior (and taking notes). I think of you and pray often. So many people are! Fight this and get back here!. If there is anything I can do at this end-let me know

Meg Laubacher said...

Thanks for keeping us all updated. You are both in my thoughts and prayers - lots of prayers. Take care, Meg

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen and Ryan... Good to have the direct update. Tell Ellen all is well at home, save her euchre buddies are experiencing some kind of extreme withdrawal. Your yard is mowed, shrub beds cleared. Cat's fed but a little lonely.

We have a great groundhog story, but Ellen has to be home to hear it! That should be a powerful incentive to get better!

Jimmy across the street is going full bore... mowing, watering and running his leaf blower at 11 PM!
We laughed so hard... Ellen now has TWO eccentrics living right next door, one for the winter (the mad snow shoveler) and another lawn care nut for the summer! Such luck is a very good omen!

Ryan, ask her if she can feel all the noisemaker karma pulling for her?!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen & Ryan,
This is such a great idea.I will check daily, Ellen you are alway on my mind and I hope things are going well for you. Ryan if you need anything please call me and ask. Ellen don't worry about the beach you will have lots of time to sit on the beach when you are well.
Love you Lots,
Jo Ann

Jo Ann

Katie Mishler said...

Know that everyone is thinking of the two of you ~ keep up that great strength you have together. Only a few more days of treatment Ellen and then its Saturday! The beach is calling your name! :)
XOXO ~ Katie

Anonymous said...

You both are so strong!! Not a day goes by I am not thinking of you and praying for you:) I have a whole team out here praying for you! I love you!! Keep up that AMAZING attitude.
Love K. Lanza
P.S. Yes, are blogging, you dork;)

Lynn said...

Hi Ellen!

So glad I have a way to let you know how often you are thought of. Prayers and loving thoughts are with you. As we talked before, hope is so very important. You are in a great place with wonderful, caring doctors. Keep positive thoughts. I know I am!

Thanks Ryan for setting up the blog. God bless you both.

Hugs from your neighbor,

Jen Sedlak said...

Hi Ellen! Sorry to hear your beach trip was cut short, but only a true fighter could handle that amount of fluid! Make sure to let them know ALL the time when you don't want to know what is going on. What some people think is everyday talk--is not!

Like everyone else, I think this is a great idea and thoughts are with you always.

Here's to a first day of treatment on the way to beat this!

Sending lots of love,

P.S. Nat--I had to laugh when I saw your 2nd blog!

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,
Thanks for setting up the blog!
I just wanted to affirm that all of us a CCC are praying for you. The prayer shawl is a reminder of our support, but most importantly, of God's presence with you.
Don Baird
Community Christian Church
North Canton

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,

Thanks for taking time to set up this blog - what a great idea! Kylene & Todd have done a great job keeping us posted and we are thinking of you and praying for you often. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!

God's Blessings,
The Nidlinger Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Again Ryan and Ell,
Hope your first day was a breeze and the weekend will be here before you know it. You both are strong and with each other and all of us rooting for you, you will pull through with flying colors. Love you both and please let me know if there is anything I can do from hot florida!!!
Kelly and Doug Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Dear Ellen and Ryan: Kristin has been keeping us informed and you are both in our prayers. I know that God will see you safely through this and make you sooo strong on the other side. I am going to send you some devotions when they are timely. We send you much love. Anna Turner and Bob Hillhouse

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan & Ellen,
I've been talking with Jaime frequently and she's told me what you guys are going through. I hope you know how many people are praying for you both! As an RN who takes care of children with cancer, I know all too well what you are going through. Stay strong and don't give up hope! Keep fighting & praying, and lean on each other through the hard times. God Bless.

Kathy Marty said...

Ellen & Ryan
You don't know me. I am a friend of Ashley Ree. She has told me about the war you are fighting and I just wanted to tell you that I keep both of you in my thoughts and hope that you win this latest battle. Stay strong for each other.

Anonymous said...

this is a test comment by debbie
as I am trying to get "computer-
ized" We read the blog and are keeping up to date. Love you guys and we are praying for you.

Love Deb and Don Bester