Thursday, July 19, 2007

wrightsville beach, nc

this blog will serve as an update center from now on. please visit regularly to read about ellen's continuing condition. please feel free to post comments, words of encouragement, whatever crosses your mind. if you are more comfortable with e-mailing, for whatever reason, please do not think that this blog will stop me from answering any inquiries in private. please also feel free to pass the address of this blog on to anyone who might want to be updated.

we are currently spending some time on the beach in cape fear. it's about a 2 hour drive east of durham. we decided to head to the coast to relax (as much as possible, anyway) and get our heads right in preparation for the coming months. it's about 100 degrees but ellen is in good spirits.

it's a peaceful thing hearing the waves.


Anonymous said...

Hello to Ellen and Ryan!
This is the very first blog I have ever written to- what a great idea for all of us who are caring and supporting and loving you both from behind the scenes. I hope you have a good day today.
Ellen, your mother and I are going out for a little dinner tonight and her birthday present before she leaves to visit you tomorrow.
Much love, Mrs. Blake

Suzanne Bort Gray said...

Thank you for starting this blog so we can keep abreast of the developments without being too intrusive. Know that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Love auntsuzanne

Unknown said...

I agree that this is a great idea. Thank you for taking time to do this. Ellen you are a strong woman and you have many people supporting and praying for you. Jacque

Anonymous said...

Angie and Natalie have been keeping us posted. You are on my heart and in my prayers daily. This blog is a great idea and will be a real blessing for you and Ryan, as you see how much love and support you have. We are praying for a miracle and that the Lord will draw you closer to Him. His love, comfort, and strength will get you through each day. Just lean on Him as well as Ryan and family. If you put your faith and trust in the Lord, He will also give you a peace that no one else can give you. I relied on Him 100% when I went through my cancer. You are a very special person and many care about you. We'll keep in touch continue upholding you, Ryan, your family, the doctors, and hospital staff in prayer.
Art and Paula Cressy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan -
re: your time on the beach...
It is amazing how therapeutic the ocean can be! I am glad you are there. I hope it can work its magic and provide you with a little respite from the stresses you are enduring.

Jan Kotila