Saturday, September 1, 2007

last day

ellen completed her second round of treatment today. her uncle chuck and aunt connie came in today. they spent a long time visiting with her (well, at least when she was awake). she slept, again, for most of the day and she had another paracentesis. they removed ANOTHER 3+ liters from her abdomen. she was far under the influence of the many narcotics and wasn't awake for any of the procedure. that's a good thing.

dr. gollob dropped all of the different forms of chemo down to 4 days with the hopes that she will recover more quickly.

her creatnine count is up to 1.5. this is only slightly over the high threshold of 1.4. we're hoping that it doesn't make a drastic upswing like it did during the last course of treatment. overall, she handled this round much better than the last one. again, i credit this to the adjustments that the doctors made in all of her different medications. she seems much more comfortable and hasn't shown the side effects as strongly as before.

that is a very good thing.


Anonymous said...

Rejoice in being able to mark another week off the calendar & another treatment done! Bless the Dr. & staff for having had better formulas for making this treatment go smoother! God Bless Both of You! Thanks for the updates! So many ask about you and so many are praying!
Laurie & Matt

Anonymous said...

We are so thankful that this week is complete with the treatment and that things went so much better. Know that we, as well as hundreds of people from our church, are praying for you every day.

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Another round done! Congratulations! I am so proud of you both. Ryan, can you remind us what the next step is? Will Ellen need another round of treatment, or do you get to come home for a bit? I am sending happy thoughts your way...


Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
What a relief that the week is over. You guys are another step closer to coming home! I wish you a restful weekend and hope Ellen regains her strength quickly!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Ell and Ryan,

Glad to hear you successfully made it through the 2nd round? Hopefully they will now know how successful the treatment is. Hope you are both enjoying having another leg of treatment behind you and hope you can rest up and start feeling a bit better now! Hope you have a peaceful rest of the holiday weekend. Thinking of you both,

Kelly and Doug Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

El and Ryan,

I am so glad to hear that another round of treatment is behind you and that it went better this time around. I am thinking about you both daily. My parents and Grandparents have been reading the blog daily and send their love and prayers as well. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hello sweet Ellen! I am just filled with a glow knowing you have completed round 2 and that Ryan feels it went a bit more smoothly.
It is a gorgeous Ohio September day today. Just one of those perfect ones that are warm and sunny in the middle and cool on the ends. There is a little buzz from all the September type bugs and it feels lazy outside. Or maybe that is just ME feeling lazy but you get the idea.
You are closer to healing and to coming home-just one step at a time and keep in mind that delightful "I think I can" reference on your blog a day or two ago.
With love to you, Ryan, your mom and dad, and to Todd,

Anonymous said...

congratulations in finishing up the second round! so far, sounds like this one was much less harsh on ellen than the first, which is good. i'm thinking about you guys nonstop every day! wish i could be there with you.

much love,

Elly Chain said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan! Yea! Sounds like everything is going according to plan. So happy to hear that this round went a little smoother. It's all of your freinds and family pulling together with prayers and good thoughts!! We wish Ellen the best as she recovers from this round! Give the family a hi from all of us!! Love, Elly

Anonymous said...

Ellen -

My name is Traci Leopold and I am friends with Kim Rosza who is Angie's sister-in-law. She mentioned to me what you and your family have been going through and my heart goes out to you all. The reason Kim told me your story was because I had a similar experience. In 2002, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and went through 6 months of chemo. As with you, quite a shock but I was determined, as Kim has mentioned to me that you are, to beat this disease. I am now cancer free and just had a little boy 6 months ago. I see the many people who have sent you well wishes on your blog and the support you have I'm sure, helps you day to day. Even though we've never met, know that you have my thoughts and prayers.
Below is my contact info if you would ever want someone to talk with

Take care!!

Anonymous said...

our thoughts, prayers & positive energy are with you without pause.

we are so unwaveringly positive, because we beleive you WILL beat this.

