Friday, September 21, 2007

new chapter

first we apologize for such a long delay of not respondning on the blog. we have been trying to get things in order since i returned from duke last thursday. i still am weak but do not have to use the wheelchair or walker that we rented. i did getting off the plane last week, which i can not thank enough to revoldts as i was able to fly home on a private plane. i do not think i would have been able to make it commerical or in the car until now. i am working hard on gaining weight back and hate to look in the mirror still so hence i'm not very clean as i avoid showers:)

our lastest plan is we... are going to chicago on tuesday. technically, zion, illinois, is about 30 miles outside of chicago and is home to the midwest branch of the cancer treatment centers of america.

the cancer treatment centers of america focus on all aspects of a persons battle with cancer. they feature an integrative approach that includes chemotherapy and radiation treatments, surgery, nutritional therapy, naturopathic medicine and spiritual support among others.

i really don't have too many details at this point. she will be evaluated on wednesday, when we get there. i know i will be staying there as well for either an inpatient or outpatient treatment. it's pretty cool. i am trying to remain positive as i did prior to our departure to duke.

we will continue to follow the blog now but the last week has been so very difficult-still is so we were quiet.

thank you for all the support and please please please keep the hope and prayers coming my way. i am really in need.

love, ellen


Anonymous said...

You are amazing, Ellen. I love you. Talk to and see you soon.
Love Jaime

Anonymous said...


As you know, the best approach is to have a great attitude. You hang in there and keep fighting the fight. I hope your trip to Chicago gives you the guidance you are looking for.

Mirrors lie! It's what's in your soul that show the real person and you are by far a beauty!!!!

Hang in there kiddo!

Lots of love,

Carolyn B.

Anonymous said...

It's sounds like this week has been pretty rough for you guys. We're all here for you... thanks for the update on things. I think of you daily, hourly, minute-ly.

Thanks for my blog fix, so I suppose I'm satisfied for a few days and I don't have to "hit the streets" -- at least for a little while.

Love you!

Shannonfrx said...


You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday...
Shannon (O'Hara) Sidon

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,

We are always thinking about you and praying for you. We thank you for keeping us updated through this blog. We check it several times a day hoping to hear from you. We love you and hope Chicago is the answer we are all praying for!!

Gina, Jared and Vincenzo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. We are sending much love and prayers to you. Keep strong and purposeful in your resolve. You are so beautiful to all of us who know and love you. Anna Hillhouse

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen,
I just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you alot, and I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better every day. You've got the fight in ya, girl- we all saw it, down here at Duke and we're all rooting you on!!! Keep doing what you're doing.
Love Claudette (9100 RN !)

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been able to see you this week Ellen but I didn't want to risk getting you sick. This is such an exciting opportunity for you! I have a positive feeling about this and have all the confidence in the world that this is just what you need. Remember your promise to CAN do this!

Anonymous said...

So nice to hear from you and glad you are getting your strength back more and more. Hoping you will find more answers and success from the visit to Chicago. Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better each and every day...

Kelly Dragoiu

Jen Sedlak said...

CTCA sounds like a wonderful place, and I like how they say that the patient is part of the medical team! From what I have read, it seems that YOU are the true VIP-as you should be. The body truly is amazing, and going to a place that treats all aspects should be very benefical to you.

When Joe gets home, I will have to find out what he knows about it. He has been in Chicago alot lately with a new hospital going live, so he will probably know someone that has more info on the place! He will be there almost all of the first week of October, and I will be in Chicago October 5-7(Friday-Sunday). So if they have the marathon on tv on Sunday and you are still there, maybe you will see Joe. I'll be on the sidelines-hopefully with a Starbucks nearby :)-they start these things early!

Joe and Tristan are at the Malone Cross Country Invitational right now with the running club. I don't know how T will do since he is getting over a sinus infection. He has never competed in such a short race either-1000 meters. The rest of us were supposed to go, but that alarm went off too early. They just walked in, and he placed 7th out of about 200 kids.
Madison and I walked in Orchard Hill's Walk-A-Thon yesterday. The kids walk for about 30 minutes. It was really hot, so we did a walk-run pattern. The school raised over $10,000-not bad.

Thinking of you lots! I am really glad to hear that you are gaining some strength back. Don't worry about that mirror-many of us are not too fond of them! And your true beauty shows through in your love and determination during this fight!

Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for you and Ryan everyday. I'm sorry you had a rough week. Rest while you can, until it's time to fight again. Don't give up hope, stay strong and remember all the people out here praying and thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,

We just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you. Keep fighting!

Amy and Mike

Dave and Kris Wells said...

Ellen and Ryan, and family,

Our love, hopes, thoughts and prayers will always be with you - here and in Chicago. Have a safe trip.

Love , Kris and Dave

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan, I continue to pray every day that the cancers are getting smaller and wish you peace with the decisions you have been forced to make. Praying for your safety as you search for help from others who are in place to give you hope and care. Ellen, you remain the bravest person I know and always will be. You have faced every twist and turn in this sickness with braveness, trust and hope. With Ryan by your side, you will be able to make this trip and follow doctors' orders yet again. Love, Aunt Connie and the fam.

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,
We will most definitely continue our prayers and our hope for your complete recovery. Have a safe trip to Chicago and keep up the positive attitude, as I know it is very hard to do that some days.
We wish you Peace, Love, Strength, Hope, and God Bless you both,
Louann Smith

Anonymous said...

You may not remember me, but I am Danielle's friend and have known Ryan since he was little. My name is Abbie, and Danielle has kept me in the loop about everything that you are going through. I have now become a daily blog reader and look forward to reading each day's updates.
I just wanted you both to know that I am praying nightly for you both, for stregth, for guidance, and for a peace that reaches to the very bottom of your souls. The Lord is with you through all of this. We are praying for you and asking God for complete healing on your body, Ellen! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Ellen, Ryan, and family,
I just want to know that you're in my prayers and there isn't a day that goes by I don't think of all of you. Keep up the positive attitude!
With much love,

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for you every chance I get. If there is anyone I know who can fight this, it is you, El. You have been one of the strongest people I know for a long time. I love you!
Abbey Erford

Anonymous said...

We're all thinking of you here at Duke! Best wishes in your journey to Chicago! Like my first grade teacher always said, put a smile on your face and song in your heart!
~Kerri (RN 9100)

Anonymous said...


My loving thoughts are with you and your family, you are so strong. You are in my prayers.

Loving thoughts,
Melissa Baranecky-Parker

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,
I'm excited for your new treatment in Chicago and although it's difficult for you to try yet another healing technique, I think that you are on the right track. You are not giving up and are still fighting the fight!!!
My prayers are for you daily and I'm still lighting the white candle for hope and healing. I believe that positives are coming your believe it too!!
It's so great to hear from you on the Blog...keep writing when you can.
Love and prayers, Marcia

Anonymous said...


You will be healing and beating this disease a few hours from Des Moines!! You know what that means, don't you? Bella & I would LOVE to make a trip to Chicago to hug you (if you would like that/could handle it/would be allowed). We could come during the week when maybe other visitors would be working, or Nate could come on the weekend, too.

I cannot wait to hug you and send good wishes your way... from a mere foot or two away, as opposed to all the miles between us now.

You get settled and when you are feeling up to it, I can be there in a few hours.

Keep fighting the fight. Love, love, love, Sommer

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,

Keep strong.........know that we are with you every step of the way!
Joanne has kept me up with the 2 of both are amazing!
Keep positive.......all of us are!

Love & prayers always,


Anonymous said...

You are such a strong and unbelievable person! I think about you and your family all the time. You are so amazing and such a fighter!

I will you all the best. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I miss you and love you so much.


Anonymous said...

Ellen, We all wish the same thing for you as you bravely set out on your next course of treatment. May God carry you safely and successfully through. We will all be praying for you and your family. We are so proud of your dignity, courage and strength. Much Love, Anna Hillhouse

Jo Ann said...

Hi Ellen,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are preparing for your trip to Chicago tomorrow. We will be praying for you and hope the news will be postitive. Call if you need anything, and let me know where you are and Tom & I will try to make it to Chicago to see you.

As always you are in our thoughts and in our prayers.

Love you Lots,

Jo Ann & Tom

Anonymous said...

Ellen -
While we are all very excited about this new place you will call home for awile, we are saddened that you will be so far away from us once again. We didn't get a chance to see you. And . . . you didn't call, you didn't write . . . Kinda like a Dear John letter without the letter or the John!! You are, however, the DEAR part. You know we love ya - you know we are behind you - you know we continue to pray every day. Good luck, dear friend.
The GDK Gang

Anonymous said...

Ellen, You are doing an amazing job; you keep fighting and we will keep praying.
Kasie Spangler

Anonymous said...

Great move!!!!!!!!! So glad you are going to Chicago. Hope you have a good trip there. I am thinking and praying for you all daily.Sure thankful for the info on the blog!!!!!!!!! I hate not knowing how you all are doing. Thanks, Ryan and Ellen, for thinking of us who read this.

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,

I want you both to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong. Ellen, you are amazing!

Amy (Guida) Heidler

Anonymous said...

Great seeing you both yesterday. Ellen, you're looking good babe! Be careful on your trip tomorrow. Let me know once you are settled and what they have to say at your appointment Wednesday. Once you know what their "plan of attack" is, we'll plan our trip to visit!
Sign up for the specialty classes, stay comfortable, enjoy your time with Ryan, and think happy thoughts. You are on the, unfortunately "slow", road to recovery. But, it will all be a thought of the past soon, that just made you much stronger people.
Love you lots, thinking about you every second, and can't wait until you are well again!
Love Jaime

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ellen and Ryan. I know you enjoyed visiting with Kylene and Todd this past weekend. Best wishes on your trip to Illinois!
Love, Margie

Anonymous said...


It is nice hearing from you. Good Luck in Chicago and I am looking forward to the updates. Know that we are thinking and praying for you constantly.

Love, Dave and Krickett

Unknown said...

Hi Ellen!
You may or may not remember me from BGSU. I spent '99/'00 as the House Director of the Pi Phi house there. Jessica (Rapp) Titlow forwarded on an email to me from Lindsay B. I am so inspired by your fight and determination. You have looked tragedy in the face and told it where it can go. I know we can all take things for granted in our lives but the least of these should be our health and our loved ones. I am so touched that you are surrounded by so many loving individuals. I just wanted you to know that someone in Nashville, TN is thinking about you and praying for you. I will see to it that you are added to all of the prayer lists that I am a part of. Please keep up that positive attitude and continue to make a difference in the lives of those you encountered. It is so motivating to hear that you are helping others in your own time of need. Let me know how I can ever be of assistance to your cause.

Peace be with you and yours!
Lisa Montross

Anonymous said...

Ellen - You remain in the hearts and minds of so many. I am hopeful for you on this new venture. The body is so complex...and spirit and mind are involved in all aspects.
We will anxiously wait to hear from you both about this new approach.
Debbie G.