Monday, September 10, 2007

still in the my room

i have not been able too write lately due to my memory and spelling, it is very hard for me to try to deal with this but i will write as soon as i am capable.



last night was a little rough again. we are still trying to get ellen's dosages correct. today the doctors decided to put her back on a schedule so that she wouldn't have to fight so hard to get things back under control. she continues to try to eat. with the nausea such a nuisance, it is difficult.

she had an mri of her brain today. dr. gollob ordered it as a precaution because she hasn't been able to keep the nausea down. he also mentioned that, since she will be staying, he might be able to move the cat scan up to tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

Ryan Happy Birthday!!!! El it was good to have you typing again. I am glad to hear that Dr. Gollop is thinking about moving the test up, I know you have been waiting to have it. I saw that mine and Ashley's package delivered on Sept. 1st. and wanted to see if you cracked open the 90210 DVD's yet. :) Keep thinking positive thoughts and know that we are all praying for you and thinking about you daily.


Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,

I have been away, that is why I
haven't written...........
You were still in my prayers every

Happy, happy birthday Baby....
It was a great song......someone
that I loved use to sing it to special are a special person........

You hang in for
strength and keep all those nurses
and doctors on their toes......
we're waiting for your homecoming!

Love and continued prayers,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Ryan!!!
How thoughtful of Ellen to type out a Birthday greeting for you even though she is having so much difficulty.
You two are a very special couple with an abundance of love and caring for each other.
I pray that the cat scan and mri show improvement. There are so many prayers and positives sent daily.Don't give up the faith and hope for recovery. I continue to pray and light a white candle for healing.
Keep on fighting, Ellen!!!!
Love always, Marcia

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Ryan! You are a wonderful guy with much depth and many talents. We on the blog are fortunate to have gotten to know you.
Love, Margie

Jo Ann said...

Hi Ellen & Ryan,

Happy Birthday Ryan!!!!

Great to see that Ellen was able to post the blog!!! Think of you 2 all the time.

I wil be praying that all goes well with the Cat scans and that the news is good news.

Hang in there both of you and know that we are all praying for you to be home soon.

Love to you all,

Jo Ann & Tom

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!! What an amazing man you are!

Hi El ~ It's good to know you are typing at least a little. I pray that they move the scans up and that all the news is positive!! Keep fighting and continue your amazing spirit that you have. I'm very proud of you both!!

love always, Ashley

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Ryan! Go for that SIXTH packet of sugar in your coffee--it's your day! Wishing you many happy foodball trades.

Hi Ellen, You are STILL the bravest person I know. Take care, and rest, say prayers with Mom and Dad and feel the love coming your way from many. Love, Aunt Connie and the fam

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,

Happy Birthday Ryan! You are such an amazing guy, thank you for all the updates and taking such good care of Ellen.

El, it was nice to see you type a message. I am glad that the doctor might move up your tests, I am sure you are anxious to get the results.

We are praying for good news!

Amy and Mike

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ryan. You are so special and this comment is hoping you were able to have some wonderful moments on your birthday. Ellen's message to you was a "gift" for all of us reading the blog. The prayers and thoughts are being sent to Duke for both of you.......especially as the test and test results are going to be happening soon. Keep your faith, your love and the blog going for our sakes. We'll keep the prayers and thoughts coming your way. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Happy 28th Birthday, Ryan. You are a great man and I know only the best will come to you & Ellen in your 28th year.

Ellen, LEARN TO PLAY POKER. You will win lots of $$ when Ryan has poker nights when you get home. Nate & I love to play, he takes me along to boys nights, and I always win. Actually, I always end up taking Nate out (ha ha). The "boys" always think "girls" aren't serious players, and they don't bring their A game - it is a lot of fun to shock em into respecting you. Trust me, it is a FUN game and you will LOVE it. Then, you can take my money (or m&m's, whatever we are playing for) when I come to visit.

I will pray for the nausea to subside, food to sound good again, and an excellent report from the DRs soon. You deserve a break. :)

Love to you in Durham, Nate, Sommer, & Miss Bella Bradds

Anonymous said...

PS You are on my MOPS (mother's group) prayer list. Just so you know, that is another 34 women praying for your recovery. I hope you feel their powerful prayers.

Love again, Sommer

Anonymous said...

happy (though now belated) birthday ryan!

ellen... speling is ovratd anywys!

alexa : )

Anonymous said...

Hey E!

While I am no Dick Goddard, I thought I might give you the equivalent of a tornado warning...

If you don't already know, the infamous Cat Whisperer is on her very way to a city near you!

And if you didn't, you soon will.

Don't even think about sleeping on Weds morning as our intelligence has learned she will be traveling on the sunrise flight. Before your breakfast even cools, she will be bursting into your room, her soothing personality setting fire to your bedsheets!

The only reason she isn't coming today 9/11 is that the last time she flew, security stopped her for fluids in her bag. She gave her best Steve Erkel "did I doooooo that?!" and was released immediately. But TSA has her marked.

Just remember that she loves you dearly, and her presence by your bedside means that Nugent can breathe a little easier... so be kind. Please remove any glassware or other shatterable items prior to her visit.

I am sure she will bring a laugh or two, so enjoy it if you can. And, tip off Ryan that she's loaded $$$ and he should squeeze a birthday beer out of her! Understand that her b-day card to him was late, so he can probably wring a second Corona out of her... with a minimal amount of effort! (Maybe even a full meal!)

Take care... E... The petunias will give way to mums, let's get home to enjoy them!


Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well with your tests Ellen. That nausea has to be a pain also. Rick and I have been gone for a few days for our daughter Becky's wedding. It was held in Marblehead and it was beautiful. Will show you pics when you get home. Hey... did you know God knows you by your first name now. I think you register right at the top of the "prayers for Ellen list". Not bad kiddo!!!! We love you. Get better ya hear? Cathy

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ryan!!!! Wow you are old!!! (ha ha- my 28th is in a few weeks...) Don't you guys have a wedding anniversary coming up? I really should remember it, seeing as it was the day I met Michael- the happiest day of his life (yes I am slightly delusional)! I thought it might have been today, or the 18th, but alas, I can't remember. Anyhoo- good luck with all the upcoming tests- I know how important they are and I will be so happy to hear the good results!

Take care of yourself,
Lauren Brunner

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ryan!!

I'm glad to hear that the tests may be moved up and know in my heart that the results will bring good news. Thinking and praying for you guys continually.

Love, Krickett & Dave

Anonymous said...

Ellen, Ryan & Suzie,

I just wanted to write a little note to let you know that I am thinking of all of you and you are in my prayers. You are going through the worst possible ordeal, but have all stayed so strong and postive. You guys are truly an inspiration to everyone! I am sending the guardian angels to watch over you:)

All my love,
Maggie Reardon