Tuesday, August 28, 2007

2nd round

ellen started her second course of treatment today. it was not an auspicious beginning, naturally.

ellen woke up after a nap having a bit of an anxiety attack. despite an oxygen level of 95-96, she was having trouble breathing. the nurse called in a respiratory therapist to administer some oxygen and medication to ease the muscles leading into her lungs so she could breathe better. that, in addition to some other medication, gave her enough relief to fall asleep.

after another nap it was time to start the chemo. ellen hates pills and this treatment requires plenty. you're aware, by now, that she started late because a touch of pneumonia caused some discomfort ('some' being a relative term in her case). dr. gollob had stopped in and confirmed that she would be starting later this afternoon. he also mentioned that he was backing of the dosage on one of the drugs in hopes that it might not ravage her kidneys like it did before. that slight alteration notwithstanding, the next several days will not be pleasant.

if you have been reading this blog faithfully, you are well versed in what she will be going through. regardless, i will do my best to update everyday. if you are recently new to the blog, now is the time to send all of your best, positive thoughts. she will need them.

hope everyone is well.


Anonymous said...

Ryan ,Ellen & Susie-
May God's loving arms be wrapped around each of you right now. Prayers and love are being send to you in enormous amounts. Know that you are in all our thoughts, prayers and hearts. Ellen- you're a fighter- keep it up! Give that cancer a run for it's money!
Much love,

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,

We are sorry that we have not wrote in a while. We have been away from the computer but not a day went by that we did not think of you and pray for you. I did catch up on all the blogs and we are so happy that Ryan is going to be by your side the whole time. We love you and are praying for you .

Gina, Jared and Vincenzo

Unknown said...

You are very strong and you have many prayers coming you way. I think about you often and pray everytime. I am glad that you have Ryan and all you family and friends. You can do this.

Anonymous said...

My wish for you is that they make you as conmfortable as possible during this next round of treatments. When it is over your prince charming (Ryan) kisses you to awake you to a wonderful day free of the sickness and suffering.
Thinking of you always and sending positive thoughts and prayers for all of you.
Linda O

Jo Ann said...

Hi Ellen & Ryan,

Ellen is so strong and brave, I am praying this time passes quickly and that she sleeps thru most of the treatment. Ryan give her a hug and a kiss for me, and know that I am thinking of you and hoping you are holding up well. Tell Susie I said Hi!!!

Love to you all,

Jo Ann

Anonymous said...

It sounds like your in the mist of the battle now. Ellen you WILL preval!! You have to!!
Think of 4-5 happy thoughts and have them ready for the rough times. Share then with Ryan as if he doesn't already know and those close to you to remind you what you are fighting for during the tough times.
You are beating this thing! You are truely missed by many here and are in the prayers of many. GOD has other plans for you! Keep up the fight and your belief!

Tom Sydeski

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your inspiring words of encouragement, faith,prayers, and support for Ellen. I am truly amazed at the response. The person that wrote to Ellen who beat cancer, thank you for the inspiring story. She will continue to fight this battle. Ellen will get well!!!!! God Bless all of you!

Anonymous said...

You sound in good spirits to begin!
Good for you girl! Keep up those
positive thoughts.......we have the prayers going..........

Thanks for all your updates,
support and the backbone of this

You two are a great team.......knowing it hasn't been
easy on either one of you...

Keep up the great work!

God's watching over..........
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan-
We are constatly thinking of you two, always praying & always witnessing to others about it as they will be praying for you as well. Be strong, be faithful and Remember-- "Dont tell God how big your storm is. Tell the storm how big your God is!!"
Love you guys!
Zac & Kristin

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the second round! 1 day down already, 5 more to go! That's great news that they cut back the meds that attacked the kidney. Now that you've already done this once, you know what to expect and can attack it! Stay strong you guys, I'm thinking of you every day.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Ell and Ryan,

Thank you to Ryan again for the update. I am sure Ellen knows how many are praying and hoping for her to breeze through this and be well very soon. Hang in the there both of you and know we are all praying for you.

Kelly dragoiu

Anonymous said...

As always, Ellen has my thoughts and prayers. And today I pray for strength for Ellen to endure the effects of this treatment.

Jan K.

Anonymous said...

Stay strong, El. You are going to beat this. You have a great team of supporters all over that are thinking and praying for you always! I love you so much and not a second goes by that you are not in my thoughts. One day down! Wish I was there...
Ryan, hang in there. You are stronger than I ever imagined. I couldn't be prouder to call you my brother, and Ellen my sister in law. Everyone should be able to experience the relationship you guys have. THAT is what true love is all about.
Mike says hi! We're having Evans birthday party this weekend. He said we'll have an awful lot of birthdays to celebrate again when you get home! He sends his happy thoughts as well!
Hope to see both of you soon!
Love Jaime

Anonymous said...

Stay strong all of you in Duke. She will triumph. The Bradds

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan and Ellen,
I read the blog every day and keep you in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Continue keeping positive thoughts and hopefully you can feel all of ours coming your way. I wish you both strength and perserverance as this next round of treatment begins. Stay strong and kick this cancer's butt!!! You can do this!!!
Beth (Leslie) DePompei

Sarah Hulea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah Hulea said...

Wishing you the best and praying for you everyday!!


Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,

Just wanted to let you both know that I am thinking about you and praying for you. Stay positive Ellen!


Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,
Stay strong and remember that God is there with you even if it feels like you are completely alone. Lean on him. Take one day at a time and try to take comfort and strentgh in all of the kind wishes and prayers that are being sent your way. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting. Attitude is everything.


Anonymous said...

You have an amazing support system Ellen. I have marveled at all the support you are receiving from North Canton, a small town with a huge heart. You are not forgotten here in Columbus either. I am praying and I know of hundreds of others right here in the heart of buckeye country who are praying for you every single day. You are tough and you can beat this. I am praying for you too Suzy and Ryan. You two are incredible warriors yourselves.

Love to all of you,

Paula Cressy said...

Ellen & Ryan,
I know this week will be very difficult, but you both have such amazing strength. Everyone knows you will come through with flying colors because of the fight and drive that comes from within you. It was great talking with Susie this morning. I want to encourage all of you to rest in the Lord. These days when you feel down and so anxious, only He can give you the peace you need..just ask Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. He never fails. When I went through my treatments, I used to picture that chemo attacking and knocking out those cancer cell...after all, that's exactly what is happening. Ellen...you can do it with God's help. You are so blessed having one another and such wonderful support of parents and friends. We're praying diligently that you might feel the loving arms of Jesus holding and comforting you. Also praying the Lord will touch you in a special way every day. Ellen, I would like to call you next week when you're feeling better. God Bless!
Paula Cressy

Anonymous said...

Thanks, as always, for the update Ryan. We all look forward to hearing how Ellen is doing each day. I always read everyone's blog responses (BR's) and the more I read the more I think of you, Ellen as a boxer. You have taken an awful lot of punches but you have determination and you always get back in the fight. You may get knocked down and out for awile but there you are getting back up for the next round. You may lose sense of what is going on for awhile but you know you want and you are fighting for it. I'm going to put my money on you girlfriend!!!!! Love ya. Hang tight. Cathy

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan, You are both in my daily thoughts and prayers! ( Who would have known that Suzy's daughter would bring me back to DAILY prayer.) Hang in there because you have endless support and love to beat this monster...Love to you all, Cindy Clapper