Thursday, August 30, 2007

lots of sleep

today was even slower. don, suzy and todd were here again but ellen spent a large portion of the day sleeping, not that she needed to entertain us. dr. gollob made his daily visit and said that everything is about the same. her creatnine count is holding steady at 1.3. the doctors seemed to have found the perfect combination of medicine to keep her anxiety, nausea and pain at a minimum. she was able to go for a short walk but that was about the extent of the action.

besides, a longer walk may have yielded, in her words, "a walking DUI".


Anonymous said...

Ryan - how long is this set of treatments? Does her body seem to be handling it better than the first round? Thanks for your updates. Sommer Bradds

Jo Ann said...

Hi Ryan,

Sleep is good for her and I am glad she is getting some rest. Glad you have some support with the whole family being there. I hope you can get some rest too. Give her a hug & a kiss for me when she wakes.

Tell everyone I said Hi and take care of her and of yourself.

Thinking of you all and saying lots of prayers!!!


Jo Ann & Tom

ryan gray said...

this set of treatment is the same as the other. some of the chemo will be given over 5 days, some over 6.

she seems to be doing better but i attribute that more to the adjustment of the other medicine that she is taking that has her resting more comfortably.

Anonymous said...

Ell and Ryan:

Glad to hear Ell is more comfortable. Hopefully she will be that way for the entire treatment series! I am sure her body is needing the rest and glad to know she is getting it. Hope you are hanging in there and keep up the fight!

Have a peacful and restful evening...
Love Kelly Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan, I'm glad we were the anxious ones today waiting to hear how the day was going, and not Ellen. Extremely thankful to hear that she got the thumbs up again from the doc and that she is resting comfortably. Sending love to all of you down there as the hours and days drag by. Love, Aunt Connie and the fam

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan,
I was getting nervous when there was no news earlier in the evening. I have to remember that you have a lot on your plate besides writing the blog.
Glad Ellen is having minimun pain and is able to rest. Having family nearby is a plus too!So far all seems to be going well and as expected......I pray that the treatment continues peacefully.
Prayers and positives sent to both of you.

Jen Sedlak said...

Hey Ellen,
I will have to remember the term "walking DUI". There are many times that this phrase could apply to me (and I don't mean drinking--just running around until I drop!) I am very glad to hear that this combo seems to be a good one. Do what you can and let your body rest up and fight.

The mystery of Ms. Monroe, the reading teacher at NCMS, has been is Kelly Castro! Boy was that a weird feeling to go to that parent's night. More than half of his teachers either had us or went to school with us!

Remember that we are all thinking of you always and sending lots of love and prayers from home.

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear Ellen is able to rest peacefully. Hopefully you are able to do the same.

Love, Dave & Krickett

Anonymous said...

Hey Family!
You're all there-how wonderful! Todd gets to see everyone at once. Glad to hear Ellen is more comfortable and gettin gthat much needed rest. I do like the term of the "walking DUI"- that phrase will be used a lot from now on! My best, love and prayers to all of you. Thank you for thinking of all of us with this blog. How wonderful to want to include us!
God Bless- Debbe

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear they got the dosages more alined to Ellen that allows her to sleep more. It is great that you all can be there for her. Even though she sleeps alot, I'm sure through a crack in her eye she feels comfort knowing you all are there. My prayers of strength and guidance are with you all always as you face each day. Love you Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen! It's Laurie Q! Sue White has been keeping me posted about you and Lou Ann Smith just gave me your blog site so I will keep in touch. You are a trooper!!! You are in my daily thoughts, my prayers and prayer chain...and believe me, they work! I've even got the crew at Stewart's Caring Place in Fairlawn rooting for you!

Sending you virtual hugs and smiles! Remember what I told you...Faith, Family, Friends, Fortitude and Attitude - my mantra - that works!

Love, Laurie

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Ellen is able to rest and is more comfortable than last time. I'm thinking about you guys.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Ellen may be resting more comfortably now. Thinking of you as always and sending thought and prayers. Linda O

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,

I just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you, and praying for you as well. I'm very glad that Jen sent me the link to your blog, and Ryan's updates are greatly appreciated.

Brent Tan

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan,
Glad to know Ellen is resting more peacefully now. I haven't heard anything new today so I am hoping she is still resting today and not feeling too bad.

Nothing much going on here. The first full week of school is done and we survived. Preston did have one little incident on the school bus with some older kids (2nd and 3rd graders). According to Gwenyth, they were "slapping" and swearing at him. Of course when Preston stood up and turned around to retaliate, the bus driver caught him. He got yelled at and moved to the front of the bus. He was really proud of himself for telling one of the kids that he would give him "100 wedgies" for picking on him. I guess those are fighting words for a 5 year old!

Tell Ellen hi for me (and Suzy, Don and Todd too). Let her know I get calls almost every day from clients who want to know how she is doing. They are all praying for her too!
