Thursday, August 2, 2007

turning the corner

we had a few good things happen today.

they planned the procedure for the removal of her chest tube for 2:30. they were going to take it out and replace it with the catheter that i mentioned before so that she would have more freedom. instead, they found that she didn't have as much fluid as they expected and decided to do without the catheter. now she has neither.

they also sent her down for an ultrasound of her kidneys. dr. gollob visited us with those results saying that there was no blockage. this is a good thing.

other than that everything is maintaining, which is to say, things are still not getting worse. we are still planning on another few days for her to fully recover to the point that the doctors are confident that she can handle being outside the care of the hospital.

yesterday she had no changes, good or bad. today she had TWO good changes.


Anonymous said...

Ryan and Ellen,
Well doesn't that make us all smile a little bit? Good riddance to the catheter and yea! kidneys! Bless the two of you....I hope you can get a good night's sleep tonight.
Jan K.

Anonymous said...

Wow! what terrific news. You two are a great team and this is exactly what we've been waiting to hear! I'm so happy for this positive step forward.
A million thanks for being so accurate with your daily blog. I look forward everyday to hearing from you.
Strong in love and prayer, coni

Anonymous said...

Ryan and Ellen,
Two good things! That's terrific and only the start of many more to come. Never doubt the power of prayer and positive thoughts. Sleep well, Ellen, as the prayers continue.......
Peace and love,

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan

Look! With all the prayers and good wishes from now all over the country, the miracle is coming around for you. Stay strong and be together. There is a light now.

You are both on my mind so constantly

Cindy Simpkins

Anonymous said...

Ryan and Ellen:

We will continue to pray. It is so encouraging to see positive changes.


tiffbecken said...

Yea! Its amazing what a little good news can do for your spirits. Hang in there- and EAT!!!
Lots of positive thoughts and prayers are headed your way.

Diane H. said...

This blog is a wonderful way for all to express their positive feelings to both of you. Thoughts and prayers work wonders and you, Ryan and Ellen, along with your families, are never far from our minds. Today was uplifting news. Please give Suzy our love from all of her friends at Compton. Diane

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,
Allowing the blog for those who know you best I just want to let you know that there are those of us in the wings praying for you and your entire family each and every day. Your courage and resolve are quite an inspiration. Stay strong, accept each positive sign as your special victory. Although never knowing Ryan, the daily blog displays a character and love beyond words :) May you all find strength in one another and your many, many supporters. Keep up that courage and draw strength from everyone. Your army is behind you each and every day!
D. Mishler

Anonymous said...

HECK YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good news:):):):):):):):):) I know of course, there is so much more of a fight left to go for our El, but I just took a deep breath.

Anonymous said...

Ryan & Ellen,

We're thrilled to hear the good news. What a relief you both must feel as it is the second good day of several more to come. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please send Suzy our love.

Love, Dave and Krickett

p.s. Ryan- I loved reading the story from your first grade teacher.

Jo Ann said...

Ellen & Ryan,
At last some good happy the chest tube is out. Now you need to start and eat lots of donuts and mashed pototoes, food that will stick to your ribs. You need to have lots of rest and before you know it you will be better and at home with all these people who love you and want you to be well. Can't wait to see you next Wednesday. Ryan I hope you are able to relax and get some rest also.

Love to you both,

Jo Ann

Suzanne Bort Gray said...

Small miracles! Enough little steps will do the same as a few big steps. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,

We are so happy to hear that things are getting better. We love hearing good news as it put a smile on all our faces. We hope you both are getting to share some smiles too.

Gina, Jared and Vincenzo

Anonymous said...

Well now - that is music to our ears!! I just pray that you can keep it coming now...every day a little more good news. Can't you just hear us all clapping and cheering!!

Love & have a good night you two,

Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

How awesome. I really have a good feeling for you guys. No news is good news and definitely no decline is good news. Ellen, please, keep up your strong positive attitude.. I'm so glad to see that you don't even look at losing as an option. I keep saying it and I mean it, You are amazing. I'm praying for you a million times a day. God will answer your prayers and it sounds like you have alot of them.
Please send my love to Suzie. I pray for her as well.
With Love, Ami

Anonymous said...

Ryan and Ellen-
The Lord is up to something. Have faith that He is doing more that you can not see then that you can see. I cant wait to see both of you tomorrow! Ellen I thought about bringing the spelling book you made me back in the day but I am going to hold back from doing so. You just let us girls know if you want that ice cream and taco bell (notice I can spell it right now:)
Love ya and see you real soon!
Natalie Cressy

Anonymous said...

Take that chest tube and toss it in the trash! Take that fluid and flush it down the toliet! Ellen is on her way to kicking some more cancer butt! Bring on the donuts! This girl is on a mission!
We love you Ellen and are so happy to hear about these two great things! Thank you Ryan for your are a blessing!
Lots of love,
Jessica, Bernadette, and Joe

Fredda Work said...

Dear Ryan and Ellen
How nice to have a little bit of good news. We continue to pray for all of you, and know that many more are doing the same. Ryan give your mom and dad a hug from me and tell them I love them and will do anything I can. Sleep well.
Love, Fredda

Anonymous said...

You are always on my mind and in my thoughts and prayers.
I am sending you all of the strength I have for you both to use.
Linda Oleyar

Anonymous said...

Ryan and Ellen,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sounds like things are looking up since my last conversation with Kylene. I look forward to hearing more positive news and will continue to keep you both in my prayers.
Becky J. (John Deere)

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,

I am so thrilled to hear this positive news! Yes, yes............all of us are still
and continuing the prayers. This
good news is just baby steps to
big miracles!

Love to you both,

Anonymous said...

You are amazing. Our prayers continue and we appreciate that fact you are so willing to keep us up to date. God bless. Sleep makes a world of difference and the krispy creme doughnut was the best medicine I have ever heard about!

Anonymous said...

Ellen....That is what we want to hear! Keep getting stronger...all of North Canton is giving you strength to win! Have a good day today....we appreciate the blog and updates. Thanks to you and Ryan for giving them to us.

Debbie G. and Paul B.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl - what wonderful news. You are in my thoughts and prayers. We really miss you at the office, especially on Friday's for lunch. Stay strong!
Vicki M

Jen Sedlak said...

Yes! Removing a tube and putting a smaller one in is great, but getting rid of it altogether is AWESOME! Hoping you get to go to your "home away from home" soon. (Cause we all know NC, OH is still home--even all of you that moved away to the "big cities".)

Cannot wait to see you.

Lots of love flying your way today!

Anonymous said...

Whoop whoop! Thats our girl!!! Keep up the strong fight Ellen! And Ryan, thank you so much again for these blogs. You both are absolutely amazing! I love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Dear Ellen, Ryan, and Family,

So thankful to hear the great news! Our prayers are with all of you. We can visualize you and your family surrounded and embraced by the loving arms of God's angels.

Joe and Carole Eaton

Anonymous said...

You know that Phyllis Mussina rarely even looks at her email let alone visit a blogspot. So, on her behalf I am sending you this post...She asked me to it Monday and I kept forgetting (shame on me.) So she is sitting here with me now.

From Phyllis:
"My prayers are with you, I pray daily for you and I know that you will be back giving us 'devil'...I expect to see you at the next Women's Division luncheon! I want you to know that a close friend of mine is including you in her prayer circle. "

Jan K.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan,
This will probably be a 2 or 3 comment day. Ryan, weather wise it is a 2 or 3 shower day here. Annie is over on your couch with Nugent right now. He is sitting in her lap and they are both happy. When I left they both had smiles on their faces!! I was glad to hear the good report from yesterday. Ellen, I told your mom that 2 was your lucky number, and see 2 good things occured on the second day of August. That is all for now. I miss you all. xoxo christy

Anonymous said...

ELLEN WE NEED YOU. Hilary ate Papa Bear's pizza with ketchup on it for lunch. You're the only one who can shame her; you need to get back to the office!!!!!

If you strive and achieve two good things each day, maybe we will all be able to let go and breath again. Until then, our continued prayers and blessings are with you both.

Kathy / The GDK Gang

Anonymous said...

If you ever wonder why Chris and I are married, it's weird mental telepathy. look at the entry time on her blog and on this... we are both thinking of you both at the same time albiet separated by 40 plus miles (not much in cosmic terms).

As Chris has written all is well save Nugent. The damned cat would never ever pay me one lick of attention when you guys were home. Last night, he damned near rubbed all the hair off my leg, meowing and carrying on like we were long lost friends. I don't suppose it was some token show of appreciation as I cleaned out his litter box the other day (Chris ordered me to)... Ellen, there is no deeper symbol of my affection for you that to sift and bag... well you know what I mean!

Hopefully, you wont find Nugent in the psycho ward after Annie is done "playing" with him. I don't want to alarm you, but you may recall that Stubbs would rather frolic with a hungry pit bull than with Annie. Chris can always put a happy face on something as innocent as Annie "playing with your cat!" If he is in one place with her in the room, he may simply be too terrified to leave.

If you haven't guessed by now, I am tickled by the news from Thurs and hope today's is better. Just remember that this may be two steps forward, one back. With that, you WILL get home to North Canton!


Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,
I was so excited to read the good things that are happening with Ellen. Let's go for two more good things happening everyday. That sounds like a good plan to me.
Ellen, keep getting better so you can go and enjoy your awesome loft (I checked it out on the internet.....very nice!). Enjoy your time with Amber and Ashley. I look forward to another positive update soon! Love you!

Laura and Matt French

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,

As I read your blog the one word that keeps popping up is LOVE. You are both surrounded by so much love.... from your families, your friends, your coworkers, everyone. Love is an energy of incredible power and strength. Know that you are surrounded by this healing love.
Sharon (Christy's sister)

Anonymous said...

I told Kathy NOT to tell you I ate ketchup on my pizza today because you always yell at me for doing that :)

I was excited to hear some positive news and look forward to hearing more each day.

Gwenyth had a vision appointment today and had to get glasses! I met her there to pick out her frames because you KNOW i wouldn't dare let her wear anything that Dan picked out! When I got there she had about 15 pairs picked out to show me including a pair of Fendi frames with rhinestones all over them. Yikes! Can't wait till she is a teenager!

Love ya!