Sunday, August 12, 2007

sunday evening

well i am not feeling well at all tonight. we tried almost everything to get me to not throw up. it's all worked so far and hopefully that will continue.

monica, justin and kelly were here for the afternoon today. monica brought up her dog winston to the loft. he is so cute and i absolutely loved him. it was nice to have him around. monica-he is very trained and so spoiled:)

i thank you three for visiting all weekend. it was great seeing you!

my mom is leaving tomorrow and ryan and i will have a day to ourselves until my dad flies in on tuesday. I will be happy when some of the fighting stops about my eating and sleeping habits. sometimes being out of the hopstial is worse than being in the hosptial! i am anixious to start back on treatment.

hope everyone had a nice weekend.


Anonymous said...


It is late..........just read your
post..........Hang in there........
please know that everyone is looking after you cause they love
you! It is so important for you
to be strong for your treatment.
God is at your side.......


Anonymous said...

Sending so much love and "feel betters" your way, El! It pains me deeply when I have to read that you are not having a good day. I am so sorry. Keep good thoughts and that fabulous sense of humor going!! Love is all around you!(And just for the record for all these lovely, MANY, MANY people out there reading this blog that do not know me...I only flashed my best friend, Lauren in the bathroom of the G. Haus in NC-so no one else saw these wonderful pieces of art!! ha-Joking about the art...and it was only after about 3 cocktails on a celebratory weekend for my mom's wedding, so maybe that makes my behavior ok??!) ha. Maybe;)
Anyways El, what e-mail address of yours should I send the pic album from the wedding to? I know you want to see them. Anything to make my girl smile.
Love you so much.
Keep strong.
K. Lanza

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you did not have that great of a day. Hang in there girl and continue to rely upon God's strength to get you through. That will be good for you and ryan to have a day to yourselves. Things are going good here. Our seniors from our youth group just got prayed out this past Saturday and we through a big party for them. I am sad to see them go but I am excited for what the Lord has for them in this next chapter in their lives.
This week is looking pretty busy but the Lord has shown me a great strategy to get accomplished all that needs done. Are you able to read at all or able to listen to music? I pray and hope you get some good night rest and you and ryan are able to spend a joyous day together tomorrow. Love ya girl!
Natalie Cressy

Jo Ann said...

Ellen....Sorry to hear that the day wasn't so great, you know you will have days like that and I hope and pray that tomorrow will be much better. Glad to know you and Ryan will have some down time, enjoy the time alone and enjoy each other. Hang in there girl and stay strong.
Lots of prayers, hugs & love being sent your way,

Love ya,
Jo Ann

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ellen and Ryan,
I hope you have a better day today than yesterday. I am sure it is very tension producing for all concerned during this process-just remember all the love surrounding you and the best of intentions of all who love you, including us bloggers! Best wishes are sent to you to enjoy your time with your husband today and to feel better.
Love my bracelet!
Have a good Monday.
xoxoxo Margie

Suzanne Bort Gray said...

I say, spend the entire day sleeping when you have the place to yourself!

It really lifts my soul to read your posts. xoas

Anonymous said... everyone fussing about your eating and sleeping habits...tell them not to talk to you about them unless they have an "MD" after their name.

You're very smart, and I'm sure you know the importance of all that and that you are listening to the doctors. That's all anyone can ask of you.

Enjoy your day together.

Aunt Susan

Aunt Nancy said...

Sounds like all is going well other than your tummy. After what you have been through I would think you would be tired, your body is mending.Not only from the meds, stress too.Just think how strong and ready you'll be for your next treatment. YOU'LL have the upper hand!!!! My thoughts and prayers are always with you!!!!! Love you

Anonymous said...

Ell, Ryan and Susie,

It was SO GREAT to see you all this weekend. I am still amazed at how strong you all are and you will beat this. Hang in there and hope you all got some good rest after we left. We had a great weekend and were so thankful to come visit. Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything, I am always willing to help out. Hope this week is a good week and I am sure you will feel relief when you get the fluid drained from the abdomen. Thinking of you and sending you love from Florida!
Kelly Dragoiu

Anonymous said...


It was great seeing you. Winston also enjoyed the visit very much. He was on his best behavior. I hope you have a good week!


Anonymous said...

It's ok to be upset with the ones you love - you know it's because they love you as much as you love them and it hurts to see you in pain. I admire your courage so much - I think you are handling this better than many of us would if faced with the same.
Hopefully, your feeling better today and can enjoy every minute.
Sending my thoughts, prayers and strength your way. Linda O

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen:

I just talked to JoAnn and she gave me the address of the blog. You are probably hearing from the most unlikely people, as you wage this huge battle. Just think of yourself as a warrior and as you look behind you, your army just continues to grow. I'm one of your soldiers.

Just remember...F.R.O.G.

Debbie Sloan

Anonymous said...

Well, Ellen, I haven't written for a while... while you struggle a battle is being waged on Ambler Ave. Don't share this with Ryan as it will leave him depressed.

Jim and I are at war. No quarter. No mercy. We are locked in a contest to see who has the best looking landscape. He's repainted the trim on the house (Faye called to cheer!). Ripped out are all of Mark's shrubs and replaced. New mulch too. And the grass, fertilized before the moving truck left and now watered regularly. It's like a darn rain forest. Needs won't use the tractor mower as it doesn't cut as cleanly.

I am still winning, but looking over my shoulder. Double cut lawn is green and weedless. My secret weapon is Chris' flowers. Jim can't touch anything like them this season. But clearly, Chris is going to have to spend the winter planning better and more colorful flower beds.

I can see things getting out of hand, where some night, someone slinks across the street with some Roundup.

What this all means for you is that the pressure on Ryan will grow! He's gonna come back and enter the fray. Not to worry Ryan, your place looks pretty darned good if I don't say so... cut, trimmed, weeded... but flowerless. No more work for him on a canvas. His task will be to bring those shrub beds to life with color... black eyed susans, daffodils, mums... he's gotta master them all!

Get all of his attention now, Ellen, cause in the spring, he's gonna have to rig up lighting so he can work after dusk. I can almost hear his leaf blower going at 11 PM! This is war out here Ellen, and for the sake of his manly pride, Ryan can't stay neutral. It's gonna be like getting sucked down a greenhouse drain!

And if you ain't chomping on the Krispy Kremes, better let him do some carbo loading... he's gonna need the energy!

Get home soon, E, won't be fall without you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen, I hope your nausea is subsiding as the day goes on. Even with a queasy stomach you remain the bravest person I know. I'm sure it is frustrating to be caught in the middle, but those who love you and are caring for you want the best for you--but at this time no one is sure what that is. You have had many prayers answered as these past days have gone by and I pray that you continue with your strength to cope during this long uphill climb toward your next treatment. Love, Aunt Connie

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen!

I am hopeful you are feeling a little bit better today. Love to hear you are playing lots of games and enjoying the people you are spending time with. It is so great to hear directly from you, and some of your entries are so heartfelt and touching. I am so proud of your artwork too - you are such an inspiration! Is there anywhere we can see pictures?

Things are good in Boston - you and your mom still need to come visit for shopping!


Erin Blake

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen - I am just back from a long weekend at the speed boat races in Texas. Talk about hot!!! And I still have the rest of the week to get thru! Good thing I have babies to kiss and hug or I may not like this place! I have been out of the loop since leaving Ohio on Thursday, and must say I feel better now that I have read the last several days' blogs and am up to date. Hope by the time you read this, you are feeling a bit better. I also pray and hope this week goes exactly as you want it to. I'll get back with you in a day or two -- take care.
Kathy without the GDK Gang