Wednesday, August 8, 2007

it's ellen again...

i decided i would continue to try to write as long as i am feeling alright. today isn't the best "feel good" day but i am working through it. my stomach is growing as the days pass and i am going to need to have it drained again. it is not a horrible sign to have this done but it will be painful for me. dr. gollob is having this done tomorrow (thursday). i am patiently waiting for a time though.

my next round of treatment is to begin on monday, august 20. i will report at 8:30am. next week on wed. i will meet with dr. gollob again and have a chest ct to make sure all is well still. we are waiting another week yet for treatment to get my strength up some. the wait is also due to the fact that i had such a difficult time from the chemo switch the first time. i commented to him that i spoke with my oncologist, dr. trehan yesterday in canton and told her that i thought i felt crappy from radiation but it was absolutely nothing compared to what i experienced here. i told dr. gollob i didn't even remember much of anything from that week and he said i was really, really ill from it. it's good though he said how well i can bounce back. that was encouraging to hear!

i know ryan and my mom are unhappy seeing me not feel well. my dad escaped this for a few days. he needed to go back home for work related reasons so he left yesterday and is back in North Canton until next week when i start treatment again. i'm sure many have already seen him out and about especially since he basically lives at the ymca. i know he needs the rest away from me though! as you all know, i can be very wearing on others. my high energy can be quite tiring. if you mount that with not feeling "great" i can be quite unbearable at times:) i try to be loving and snuggle though:)

jo ann and hilary flew in today for the afternoon to visit with me. they had the pleasure of arriving in time for my 10am doctor's appt. so they went too. what troopers. it was so great to see them and i got many good laughs from them. i'm sure you were all talked about at some point today, haha. just kidding. they were nice enough to let me take a much needed nap too. i just feel like an infant because i can't make it through the day without a nap. it's discouraging. i can't sleep through the night either but a good bowl of cheerios helps me in the middle of the night if needed.

i was SO excited today when hilary handed me my bracelet!!!! thank you so much christy, megan, and annie. you 3 are the best to me and always have been. it means to much, you have no idea. it's hard to believe to me that someone would actually want to wear a bracelet with my name on it! i am so honored.

also, i read the email from jen sedlak about the tour de vaugh on 18th (jen you put the 25th but i think it's the 18th?) thank you to those that are going to ride at 11am in my name. i am going to miss that weekend since i had worked hard with jo ann already on the planning for the msf. i hope it goes off well as i'm sure it will! plus those who knew before i got sick, i loved to cycle with my mom and christy.

now my next step, instead of worrying about all the fun stuff i am missing at home... i need to get ryan to the store to get some craft materials so i can start some requested projects. i am developing a growing list for paintings and it's SO exciting for me. you all have no idea how much it keeps me going to get an email that you want something. keep it coming:) ncmf loves it too since they receive 50% of the the proceeds. that is my whole reason behind our company, an artful life, llc. to help others going through cancer. many people much more severe or even less severe situations then me need help and this is my way to do my part....painting and craft work. it is my reason for living!!!

again, thank you all for the support, love, guidance, visits, etc. it all means more than words can ever explain. i LOVE getting comments on the blog. i am constantly checking it...ryan always says "again...i doubt anyone wrote yet (again)". i just laugh and tell him to leave me alone i have nothing else right now:)

oh and sorry it's so long....i get excited to be able to write!
lots of love,


Anonymous said...

Great post, El. Type, type, type until your hearts content. Myself, as well as everyone else I'm sure, just love to hear from you and see how eager you are to keep us all updated!
It was great to see your texts today too! I finally got you texting, and now we haven't been able to much :)
Hang in there. You are a true inspiration to everyone, and have been keeping up with everything you've been handed. Takes one heck of a person!
Talk to you soon. Tell Ryan hi.
Love you both, Jaime

Anonymous said...

Ellen it was great hearing from you again on the blog! It sounds like your body is getting some much needed rest these days. Enjoy this time off of treatment. I am really interested in your artwork. I would love something made by Ellen at my house!


Anonymous said...

Ellen....You continually amaze me! YOU are the trooper. Keep getting stronger and continue to write when you can. Your words show so much wisdom. Tour de Vaughn...Jen is getting supporters and I will be one of them. You are inspiring so many people. And if you get a little cranky....I think everyone understands. I hope Ryan got the supplies you need and that you enjoy this time away from the hospital. Hang in there...Ryan, too...
Debbie G.

Unknown said...

hi ellen

i'm so glad to see that you are up and writing and painting, how wonderful! i've been checking your blog everyday and thinking of you. the reponse of your loved ones is overwhelming and a true testament to what an amazing and fun person you are!

take care,
natalie huffman

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ellen! I am wearing my new Ellen Deitemyer jewelry as I type-a black bracelet just coordinates with everything! Plus I like having your name close to my heart. I think a daily nap is an awesome and actually healthy habit so don't let that get you down! Some of us don't seem to know much about your art project with NCMF-maybe I missed it while I was out of town. But I am interested in supporting whatever you are doing with it and would welcome learning more when you or Ryan feel like it.
Enjoy your freedom from the hospital and remember we are all thinking of and loving you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ryan. I thought you would like to get your very own message on your day off from blogging. You touch us all with your devotion and love. You are truly one in a million and just a wonderful husband. Ellen is very lucky to have you.
Love, Margie

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,
I just can't tell you how great it is to read your comments. I feel as if we are having a conversation!! I too, am wearing my "Ellen" bracelet and continue to wear it each and every day. It is so special to me..... and you are too!!!!
I think taking a daily nap is good for you; I do that sometimes too!... Enjoy and relax during this time at home. Rest when you need to; your body has undergone a lot of stress due to the treatment and needs to mend itself.
You are always in our heart and prayers, little Ellen. " May the angels watch over you and keep you safe."
Love to you and Ryan,

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen!
It's so great to hear from you!!!
I wanted to ask about your business to see what I can do to help since we never really got a chance to discuss this before...I am still a little unclear about what you would like me to do...but am very anxious to help in any way that I can.
it's funny reading the post right before mine from Jaime about texting...It would take me a good hour to text anyone a single sentence!!! I guess I better get used to it, because Robbie is rapidly turning into a PRE TEEN! As long as I know how to write "Get your ass home right now mister"..... I should be set...
I want you both to know, that I wish there was a way that I could get away and come down and see you...I'm sorry about that..I really am.
You guys rock....and as I keep saying,(feel free to tell me to SHUT UP)...I pray for you both all the time. You really find your strength when you are tested...and you guys have sure been tested.
i love you both so much...

Anonymous said...

Don't wory about taking a nap during the day. I do it all the time.
Glad you are up and getting company.
You are a trooper and we will ride a few extra minutes for you on the Tour de Vaughn.

Jim E.

Anonymous said...

I know that Jo Ann saved up some really good jokes just for you today. she was so glad to be able to come see you! She probably told you we have an msf meeting tomorrow - but I doubt she can share some of those jokes...(am I right Jo Ann?) We will be talking about you and your courage and strength.

I wouldn't worry too much about being "difficult" as you suggest. Not one of us would be anything but "difficult" if we were away from home, undergoing that wicked chemo and tied down with fatigue. I think you are managing your spirits pretty well! (of course, I'm not there either, am I?) Your attitude is inspirational. I loved what you said about appreciating and needing's a gift to realize that, and a gift to share that info. with 'us bloggers.'

Continue to rest, continue those downward numbers they are looking for....we are all with you in spirit, if not in person. We look forward to having you come home to North Canton.


cindy clapper said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan,
So - where do I get a bracelet? I feel left out and I want one! It was so good to see that you were feeling well enough to write. Keep resting and eating, resting and eating, resting and eating. Sounds like my summer! Have a good evening, give your Mom another hug from me. Love, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi El!

I am hoping that my Ellen bracelet will be arriving in the mail soon. Mark me down for some Ellen-created artwork. See you soon!


Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear from you again. When I read the blogs you write I really see you strength, courage and determination to fight this shine through. You truly are an inspiration and I am so glad to hear how positive and uplifting you are! You deserve to beat this and with your attitude you will!!! As you can tell from the blog there are so many praying and thinking of you every minute. I miss you and can't wait to see you!!! Hope you have a great night and a better day tomorrow!
love always,
Kelly dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Also, I have been checking the mail (and the blog obviously) religiously looking for my ELLEN bracelet!!!
Kelly Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Sorry for forgetting to put this all in one, but mark me down for a piece of artwork from your collection! I never thought I would say Ellen was such an artist!:)
kelly dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen,
Great to hear from you again. I too
am wearing my braclet and so is
Bob ( believe me that is something)! I told him about them
when Christy first mentioned them and he said he wanted one to wear,
too! He normally would say no
thanks - but - yes he wanted a Ellen Braclet!!
Today I was at the Hair Shoppe and
Christine who knows your mom too
started telling me about a friend
of yours who knows you(just started
talking and put 2 & 2 together.
The friend's name is Pat Lanser
and works for Brennan,Manna & Diamond (Iprobably spelled it wrong)in Akron. She said you call
on them or stop there for work I
think. Pat told her that Ellen is
the sweetest!!! girl and that they
are all thinking of and praying for
you. I hope you know who I mean.
Anyway, I am glad you are working on your art. Tell Ryan and Suze
Hi. Doctors should hire Ryan to
tell people what is going on as he
does a great job. He is such a good person. OK, girl I am going
to sign off. I am wearing my black
braclet 24/7 so I am always thinking of you and Ryan, too.

Love & prayers,

JoAnn G

Anonymous said...


It is really nice to see you have the strength to write. Krickett and I have been amazed with how positive you continue to be through this difficult time, however our hearts are telling us that you will come out stronger than ever. A few weeks ago, before you went to Duke, you shared an e-mail with many of us on what you and Ryan want to do in order to raise money towards Cancer Research. Unfortunately, I cannot find your e-mail that you sent that day, however it has made me think for the past several weeks on what we can do to support you towards achieving your objective with An Artful Life, LLC. This is such a wonderful cause and I know it means a lot to you. With yours and Ryan's approval, I would like to run the Columbus Marathon to raise money for this wonderful cause where all money raised will go directly to you and Ryan to support the NCMF. I began training a couple of weeks ago and I have a short window of 11 weeks to prepare myself for this 26.2 mile run, however I know deep down in my heart it is a great cause and Krickett and I want nothing more than to see this business venture succeed for you and Ryan. So with your blessing, I am asking for your approval to move forward so we can start raising money for this awesone cause on your behalf. You or Ryan can feel free to contact me on my cell phone at 330-714-6716 or you can e-mail me at and let me know you are ok with this. Ellen, you truly are an amazing young woman and we are proud of you.

Love, Dave & Krickett

Darbysmith said...

You sound so good, It makes my day to hear such wonderful thoughts! I look forward everyday to the blog, maybe as much as you! Keep getting stronger, Kicking Ass!

Anonymous said...

Ellen, WOW! It was so great to read your words these past few days. Ryan has been awesome and I will never be able to express to him how grateful we are that he took the time and energy to keep us posted when you were unable to do it yourself. You are a woman of remarkable strength and courage! When you are back home in NC you are going to be one busy lady keeping up with all the orders for your art. Please put us on the list of people who must have a painting. Remember that we will not stop praying until you are back home and fully recovered! Now, rest continue to eat whatever sounds good to you and know that you are loved!
Bernie and Joe

Anonymous said...

We're really glad to know that you're feeling better!!! I hope that Aunt Suzanne sent you the picture of all of the Gray girls at Trisha's shower to you by now---we were all thinking about you wishing that you could be there with us. I hope that everything goes better for you with this next round of chemo! Tell Ryan that we all send him a big "hello" too.
Lee Anne

Anonymous said...

Ellen, I love you! And I think about you every day. (All the time actually). Brian and Eric say an extra special prayer for you every night. Lynn

Elly Chain said...

Hi Ellen! Nice to hear your comments and you're getting much needed rest at the apt. I never knew you were an artist!!! Such hidden talent! Keep resting and eating! We're thinking of you all the time and are keeping the prayers going strong back in Ohio! Give your family our best! Love, Elly Chain

Anonymous said...

ellen, oh my goodness jo an and I just got back to canton! i didn't think we would ever get home tonight but it was well worth it. it was so WONDERFUL to see you today laughing and smiling (eating and sleeping too):) you looked like an angel today when we came in to wake you up...i didn't want to leave you after just one day with you but jo ann and i are definately coming back down soon but maybe we will drive. i have had enough planes for a while! well, i am probably rambling on but i am thinking about you and hope you are not too uncomfortable and able to sleep good tonight. i am going to be useless at work tomorrow...hopefully the gdk gang doesn't read that...ha ha. i will be checking on you so keep up the progress as i want nothing but good news!
love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen, hope you remember me, it's Allison Cornell (now Hood).

I wanted to send my best wishes to you, I've been reading your blog recently and couldn't help being struck by how positive you've been remaining - that's a great thing, I'm sure it not only helps you but also those closest to you. Given that you've been through an incredible amount, it's a pretty astounding feat. Sounds like you also have a lovely hubby who is taking very good care of you :)

I really hope that you continue to feel rested and that you can soon be painting more. Take care and I'll be thinking of you.

A x

Jo Ann said...

Ellen, I am up but I feel like crap...we had a great time yesterday. It was so good to see you and spend some time with you. Stay upbeat and keep on eating and soon you will be home in NC. Hilary and i had a blast in the airport last night, you would have been proud...although there was no PG.
Love ya,
Jo Ann
PS, Ryan tanks for putting up with us and all our "crap" yesterday.
PSS Susie, thanks for picking us up and taking us back are a GREAT Mom.

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to hear from you Ellen! We are always checking the blog to get updates! You are such an inspiration. I hope all goes well these next couple weeks. Dan & I would love to get some artwork to put in our house. Keep up your strength and we can't wait to see you back in North Canton!
Dan & Stephanie Smith

Anonymous said...

Hi El,

It is so great to hear from you on the blog and I am so excited that you are going to get back to painting. I would love one of the boxes that was in your room. You can choose the colors. Remember to sleep whenever you feel tired. I am sure your body is still trying to adjust from the crazy sleeping patterns brought on by the noisy hospital. I had Cheerios in honor of you for breakfast this morning. :) Talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Ellen, So glad your were feeling well enough to write. You are a real trooper and your determination and strength are an inspiration to all of us who love you. I, too, would love to buy a piece of your art. Put me on the list. Our continued thoughts and prayers remain with you and Ryan. Trust in God with you whole heart...He is going to work a miracle for you. Much Love, Anna Turner

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen. I am sure you had a great visit with JoAnn and Hilary. You had to have some good laughs. It was so good to hear your voice yesterday...espeically knowing there was a smile in it! We are all wearing your bracelet around here! Tried to get a picture of us wearing them but didn't get it to JoAnn in time for her to take it to you. Will e-mail your other address with that. You have had a lot of visitors. Relax and enjoy your time at home. Love ya, CAthy

Anonymous said...

I must say this is my life’s first “blog” experience (and I know I speak for everyone that we wish this didn’t have to exist at all)…
I just want to let you know that I’m reading your progress everyday, and that you and Ryan are both have been a personal inspiration! I know there are many more reading your posts without responding and feeling the same…
We’ll be praying for more Good News!
~by the way, do you prefer the original or new vanilla Frosty?

Anonymous said...

Hey El - it's so great to hear from you, I feel like I can actually hear you talking through the blog:-) I am so excited that you are going to be painting and I actually e-mailed you and Ryan an order! Allie loves her painting so much that I just have to have one - I will take a picture this weekend of hers to send to you! Give Ryan a hug for me and I hope you are feeling better today! Talk to you soon!

love always, Ashley

"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,

Ellen.......You sound so chipper!
Wonderful!!! There is a lot of
us wearing your bracelets.....
it keeps us in touch with your
reality.......and prayers for

Ryan........Keep that girl busy!
It sounds like if she has too much time on her hands......she'll go
stir crazy.........what a good

Both of you.........keep up the great positive thoughts.


Jen Sedlak said...

Hey girl! Wow, glad to see you typing away.
I already did see your dad (the Y is like a second home)--running outside in the middle of the day in this crazy heat yesterday!

THe Tour DeVaughn is usually during the MSF, but this year is on the 25th at the Y.

I am sure the festival wil be full of Ellen supports wearing the wristbands.

I also would love some art, add me to the list. You said you wanted to be busy!
Sending love from NC-Jen

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,

I have often heard it said that you can judge a persons worth by the number of friends they have. Ellen you are "priceless" I felt truly humbled reading all the wonderful, loving comments addressed to you from your many friends. I am also very much in awe of the tremendous courage you continue to show throughout this ordeal! I want to again express my gratitude to both you and Ryan for the ongoing support and promotion of NCMF’s Cancer Relief Fund through An Artful Life, LLC. Finally, to your many friends that have expressed an interest in supporting An Artful Life, LLC and North Canton Medical Foundation please accept my sincere appreciation.

God Bless

North Canton Medical Foundation

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan, Out with the fluid and in with the Cheerios! I'm so glad things are falling into place and you both are able to think about being artistic as a change of pace from the hospital routine. Ellen, you remain the bravest person I know. Take care, Aunt Connie

Suzanne Bort Gray said...

Keep eating those cheerios and making those paintings. When you're well, you'll be an established artist with lots of sales and very low cholesterol!

So happy that you're able to write, and with great humor. Lovely that you have so many good friends who keep you company and make you laugh.

We're always thinking of you honey. Make Ryan take a nap when you do.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen!!!!

It's so wonderful to hear from YOU!! Not that I don't look forward to Ryans posts...he's doing a great job. So glad you've made it "home" and are doing well. Keep eating all the junk you want...maybe we'll have to send some corn dip down. Mmm... I'm heading over to pick up my ELLEN bracelet this afternoon. Can't wait!!
Much Love,

Anonymous said...

Well said.