Thursday, August 16, 2007

thursday night

well after a report like last night i wasn't even going to write anything but i know no one can sleep without hearing from me. just kidding:)

we have been having trouble with the air in our loft. it is either freezing cold or we turn it off and it is like 100 degrees in here. of course we are here while durham is hitting record highs. it is horrible and i never go outside (which makes for super, long days)

here's a story for you all...i guess last night i was back to my complaining self when ryan came into bed. as some of you know i have been having difficulty remembering how things happen to me at night. well last night was one of them. ryan came to bed and the bed was soaking wet, as was i. there are only a couple of options in my head of course of what could have happened. 1.) i broke a fever 2.) i dumped a whole bottle of water on me from the nightstand because i was hot and thought i was at the beach 3.) i took another shower without my dad or Ryan knowing or WITH all of my clothes on 4.) i had 4 blankets on me or 5.) i wet myself

i would really like to think it wasn't the 5th especially since the top of my sweatshirt was wet but since I was blamed that it may be a possibility i will be honest and include it. and to add, that is pretty gross then if ryan didn't change me and slept right next to me:)

but while there is major commotion between ryan and i because i am soaking wet and apparently i am not really useful with helping me get new clothes on so late at night. i think i just kept telling him to "change me". i really do not remember this happening at all and apparently ryan felt after my tantrum i could sleep in my wet clothes, how do i know this? i know this because i woke up at 6am to change because i was still wearing everything wet and i was freezing cold!!!! UNLESS IT HAPPENED AGAIN??? i guess we will never know:) it will remain a mystery.

so hopefully tonight we will have a calm night here in the loft in durham. we like calm nights.



Jen Sedlak said...

Ellen- I am always trying to think of something to say that will give you a smile or make you laugh! But you have won the contest with your story. I don't think any of my kids have ever wet the bed to the point of getting the top of their shirts, and we have had some real interesting nights with a very deep sleeping Marcus! So I think you are probably safe to say that you did not wet the bed. Although it must have been some fit for Ryan to leave you there wet. Or was he just getting you back for whacking him with the bear's cross. Watch it with that thing-it looks like it could really do some damage!

Well we are gearing up for wedding number 2. ( I think I told you my brother Matt got married on the 28th) Joe's sister is getting married on Saturday, and of course with the weather Marcus has another sinus infection and is running a fever. Joe did not take him to the doctor's and they can't get him in until 12 tomorrow. So I am hoping the meds kick in right away so he can do his job as ringbearer on Saturday. We went and picked up the tuxes today, and Marcus is just going to think that he needs a tux for every party! Although they did look nice. I will send you some pictures soon.

Maybe tonight you will think Ryan is hot and dump the water on him!

Talk to you soon-sending love, prayers, and energy your way! Jen

Anonymous said...

You probably peed in the bed!! Don't worry, The Dragoiu brothers do it all the time;)
(ha ha-sorry Kel!!)
We are from NC and we cannot help this type of behavior. People know this! Either way, that story made me smile. Good stuff. Miss you dearly, babe.
Lots of love,
K. Lanza

Unknown said...

Thanks for the laugh. I may have one to top that. I was working late the other night and I was tired. not paying attention, walked out the parking lot, got in my car and thought my car seemed different. the sad thing is that it took a minute to relized that i was in the wrong car. The other thing is that my client saw everything. the good news is that he is still talking to me. I laughed at myself for awhile.

You are doing a great job being strong. I am praying for you every day. thank you for the updates.

Anonymous said...

Ellen...That really is a funny story, and if you decide to tally votes on what everyone thinks really happened - I vote for #2. Through all this, you certainly haven't lost your sense of humor! Thanks for cheering some of us up tonight with a laugh. Now when I wear my Ellen bracelet in the shower - and it gets wet - I'll really think of you.

Have a good,
Aunt Susan

Jo Ann said...

Ellen....maybe the roof leaked...oh well the story made me laugh, better than PG in the bed..tell Ryan that, and I am sure Hilary will agree with me. Hope you have a great day and a great weekend.I will talk to you later.
Love ya,
Jo Ann

Candy said...

This is heat is Ridiculous!! I'm sure you were sweating. We keep losing power briefly because of it. It was hotter here than in Florida when my mom was visiting -- I blame her, she brought the heat!

Feel better, I woke up sweating the other night too. I had a crazy nightmare... so I'm going to guess you were sweating and a little bonkers. My house seems to fluctuate in temps too--hopefully it will cool off soon.

Your hot (literally speaking) friend in Charlotte, NC!

Anonymous said...

Haha, Great story, El. I sat here reading it, and could totally hear you telling it in person!! I miss you guys. Work just isn't the same with our 900 emails back and forth! Who am I supposed to tell stuff too???? I'll have to just start emailing again, and hope you either reply, or at least read them! :)
Hope you have a better night!!
Love Jaime

Anonymous said...

HA - Ellen, that's hysterical - I can just picture it:-)!! I'm going to say you dumped water on yourself because you were so hot and thought you were at the beach:-) Or possibly your malfunctioning air conditioner leaked only over where you are - that could happen:-) Well, in any way I hope you had a much better sleep last night. Love and miss you!

love always, Ashley

"We acquire the strength we have overcome" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate it when that happens! Here's a little poem for you....Ha!

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to God I do not pee. But I don't care, I'll take the chance, 'cause I've got on my plastic pants."

There ya go! Have a good day and stay warm or cool or whatever you need to be to be comfortable. Love ya. Cathy

Anonymous said...


Great story...hopefully it was just an extreme sweating bout. Hope you are well. Thinking of you both and hoping for more good news to come soon!

Anonymous said...

ellen, was the water bottle on the nightstand EMPTY when you were investigating this incident? if not, then you can off number 2 of your list. if it wasn't water then if must have been way you would have peed on your shirt. if your head was also wet then is was definately sweat. preston sweats really bad at night so it is a possibility. PLUS were probably wearing tons of clothes and i wouldn't be surprised if you had your UGG boots on! that's right people, ellen had be bring her Ugg boots so she could wear then in 100 degree weather! and she doesn't know why she was soaking wet! good story...i was afraid you were going to say you needed stitches from bumping into something! i'd rather be wet!
talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ellen - I am getting a chuckle from this - it's good that you seem to be laughing about it too - does Ryan think it's funny? ha ha Every woman over 45 understands how powerful a night sweat can be!


Anonymous said...

I really appreciated your peeing story. I sort of feel for Ryan as i have been peed on twice in my life. While that was due to major alcohol consumption (at least that's what i was told) it was still a yucky feeling. But since those times, I have married that man that peed on me so I guess some people do that out of love. I think you were just trying to tell Ryan that you loved him even more last night!
Thanks for the laugh. I will share that story with Matt. He will DEFINITELY appreciate it! I wouldn't want him to think that he is all alone at peeing the bed.

Take care and stay dry!

Love you!
Laura French

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen, Your story really made me laugh! I could just see and hear you telling it! Keep that sweet sense of humor and you will endure these boring days in Durham just fine. Love, Aunt Connie

Libby Blake said...

Puts new meaning to the phrase, "When it rains, it pours!!!" Thinking of you and reading the blog daily. Say hi to your dad from Jim and me.

Fondly, Libby

Anonymous said...

Well, Ellen, if you continue to need reasons to come home, let me give you one (in addition to the yard war, midnight fireworks and groundhog soup.

As you know, Annie was the fill-in walking partner during your stay in Durham. Well, Weds night, with nothing to do, a certain, unlicensed someone decided to mow my lawn... I pull into the drive coming home from work and on my way to an event and find Old Reliable stopped dead in the yard... about a third done. Seems that the self propel pooped out and with it died the will power of the person running the mower. So long story short, yours truly had to finish the work later that night. Good thing there were lots of fireflies to guide me.

My point is, if YOU WERE HERE, a certain unlicensed someone would have been walking and not mowing. Worse, because YOU ARE NOT HERE, i am probably going to have to buy a new mower with self propel.(SHe has these... urges.) You are costing me money, Ellen. And, just to get my money's worth, I am going to have to mow about every other day... until I can get out there and shovel snow early in the morning! I know how much you love the sound of that shovel scrapping across the drive!

But if the truth be known, I really want to hang on to my old mower...the dueling mower. Get on home!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen,

I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and wishing and praying for the best! You are such a strong person and have so many wonderful people that love you. You are going to be that miracle patient and will have inspiring stories to tell others.
When times seem rough just stay strong and keep the positive attitude you seem to have right now. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hope you both slept well. The weather is FABULOUS!
Enjoy the afternoon watching NC U-TUBE!

Jo Ann said...

Love you...miss you....Jo Ann....and yes I am working hard!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,
It is a perfect day here for the festival. This is my second trip here today. I came earlier with your mom, JoAnn and Marcia. now I am here with Debbe. Can you see us? I remember when Megan was at Miami she stood in front of the webcam and wished her dad a happy birthday. I can see myself now...this is so cool. Talk to you later. Deb says hello and that she is thinking of you. When you need more soup or sauce just let her know. xoxo christy and deb

Anonymous said...

My vote is that Ryan poured water on you, so when you get in a fight later, he can bring up that time you peed on yourself. You need to set up a camera to keep him honest.
Glad to see your sense of humour is intact! That's what will get you through the worry and boredom.

Anonymous said...

I have been out of town and just had to read every blog from every day. I am laughing, laughing so hard I might have be crying. Now, Ellen, you must know that we women, who happen to be "finer" (I hate older) tend to wake up at times thinking we dumped water on ourselves or had an accident too. I have been told its part of life! Not too funny when it happens to you.........but the rest of us really got a chuckle out of your story.

I am waiting for the website on your art. I was notin town for the Main Street festival so missed all the fun and your art. So I am very excited about this project and glad Ryan is going to have time to work on it sooner rather than later.

You two are amazing....glad you are staying together! Praying for you daily.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,you probably do not who I am but I was a 1998 grad from Hoover. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting!!!!


Sarah Hulea said...

I know that you posted this entry awhile ago so I don't know if you'll get to read this. Just something to make you laugh. Alright so, my freshman year of college here at UT. I was coming home from I guess you could call it a "long night" and I fell asleep or passed out fully clothed with an open bottle of water in my hand. And I woke in the middle of the because it was also freezing in our room and noticed that I was soaking wet because apparently I had been pouring the bottle of water on myself through out the entire night. And to top all off, (nancy doesnt know this part), my phone was in my back pocket and it got ruined. I think I might have told here I dropped in the toliet. Sorry if you read this mom. So you see it happens to the best of us =) Thinking of YOU!

your cousin Sarah