Saturday, August 18, 2007

live at the msf

hi all.

we are online and watching. hope everyone has a moment to say hi.

~ryan and ellen


Anonymous said...

Ellen- Christy just had to go and wreck the ckomputer image! She is getting better at technology. We just spotted a coffee booth across the street. Hope all is well with you- We are missing you- It just isn't the same here without you in your red shirt. All wonderful thoughts and prayers your way. Settle an argument- when qw your car full of panera bread? Christmas ceremony or last year's festival? We're headed to ride the pumkin ride- opposite direction with the camera!Debbe

ryan gray said...

just a reminder:

we can hear you if you come close to the camera

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ellen We miss you and love you. You are in our prayers. Keep us updated on treatment. We hope to see you soon.

As you can see the weather is fine and lots of people are enjoying the Festival.

Love, from Sue Seivert, Phyllis Mussina, and Joanne Staley.

Anonymous said...

ellen... can you see me?

this is really cool! well, you should know that we all miss you and wish you were here... soon? right? I am working on my next special message... ryan will be the theme as will his close relationship with all of god's creatures! yes, even though he is gone, they celebrate him! I won't give you any hints, save that it might be a blog suitable for mature audiences only... i know, don't build up too much anticipation to our many readers!

i have been up here doing a little politicking... running for city council! you can blame your periodic disorientation on drugs... me? boy, I don't know what got into me! I suppose you heard that Jordan is... running for the board of education... i'll let you ponder that...! The thought of both of us on city council was just too much for the poor unsuspecting voters!

Well, I gotta go... shake some more hands!

Looking forward to seeing Ryan in the next couple of days!

Enjoy the web camera!


Lynn said...

Ellen, you are indeed an inspiration with your strength. What a wonderful group of friends you have. Just shows how you have touched the lives of others.

Next year you'll be back here at the Festival with bells on!

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Matt & I are taking break, you rest & we'll see you at 6:30. Hope you have found this enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

aww... this makes me miss north canton.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen!! How does this work? Sounds cool to talk live, but I am so not techno savvy!!! xo Sommer

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... maybe I should have read further. THAT IS SO GREAT, ELLEN!!! I am so happy you got to see the fruit of your efforts!!! I hope you are having fun and it is a positive experience for you.

So, Nate, Bella, & I did a little festivaling of our own this weekend... it's Iowa State Fair time and these Iowans do NOT let you forget it! Let's just say we missed the 600 lb cow sculpted out of butter, but did get Bella's pictures by the 4H Steer winner... a 500 lb cow. We thought, FINALLY! She looks little! Our little 16 pund 3 month old rarely looks tiny. I was a bit confused by steer/cow/hog/pig/lamb/sheep which was which, as I'd never seen any in person before, but it was fun. Bella had fun but cried when we entered the barns, as the smell was intense! I think she knows she is NOT from Iowa, and doesn't have an intense love for all things on a stick or called "livestock"!

Nate gorged himself on a lb porkchop on a stick, the biggest sausage on a stick that looked a bit perverse, if you ask me, ice cream, and a FRIED SNICKERS BAR. That is something you don't see everyday, but it was good. We had fun, but I don't need to see anymore men in cutoff denim shorts for awhile!! :)

PS They had lamb kebobs right outside the sheep barn. I thought that was mean.

Ok, have a nice time watching your festival!!! xo Sommer

Jo Ann said...

Hey girl, I am starting to get real tired, can I come take a nap with you???? The crowds are great and the weather is PERFECT....miss you lots!!!! See you soon,
Love ya,
Jo Ann

Anonymous said...

Ellen, I was working the NCFNC booth today for 4 hours and I truly kept expecting to see you in your red shirt marching up and down the street keeping your eye on things. How I missed you. The weather was perfect and the displays were great and so was the crowd. By the time I got to the webcam, it was break time so I missed it. What a terrific idea.
I saw your art in the NCCC booth and I felt your heart as I looked at it.
Be strong - sling that paint - and get well and come home. We still have a date at Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen, Just when you thought everyone but you was at the MSF having the time of their life, I am sitting here watching the Browns and the Indians. (yuck) Does that make you feel better? Hope so. We went to the festival early in the afternoon when things were very quiet. It was nice to meet Hilary, she was doing your booth proud. Love, Aunt Connie

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of your friends with the web cam set up- that was perfect! I couldn't make it today to the festival but told a girlfriend of mine to check it out and see your display ..An artful life.
I hope this days gives you that extra burst of strenght you need.
Thoughts and prayers always with both of you.
Linda O

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan
We are going to shut down laptop only. Will leave camera up. FABULOUS CROWD!
Rain predicted for Sun may force no camera use.
Hugs to you both! My hubby made me so happy, our guys are the greatest!
You're both in our prayers!

Elly Chain said...

Hi Ellen! We went to your booth and it looked great! I got one of your flyers and it was so well written. You have truly touched many lives with your art, words, and positive inspiration! As you probably know, Katie had melanoma at age 19 so she is a cancer survivor as you will be. She had her surgery at the North Canton Medical Foundation so we can't thank them enough for what they did. So - with one of your paintings, it would be a reminder - so sign us up! We went into your booth but apparently the web cam wasn't on. So - just wanted you to know that we were there and loved your work!! Take care! Love, Elly

Anonymous said...


As you know we couldn't be there, but that was great of the family that was able to set it all up for you! I hope you enjoyed it and that it kept you busy for the afternoon. Sounds like there was a great turnout and hopefully you were able to enjoy it from a remote location! hope you are well today and thinking of you...
kelly dragoiu

Jo Ann said...

Hey Girlie,
I just got out of the shower and I can hardly keep my eyes open....I am just plain old tired, and I am on my way to bed. Everything went really GREAT today, and I can't begin to say THNAKS to all the people who stepped up tp help me put in your absence. Barry K, Laurie & Matt, Hilary, Joan, Cheryl, Sue B & (Duke) Kathy Y, Cathy & Jan, and of course my husband who always supports all I do....we are very lucky women to have the husbnds that we do.....and I thank god for Tom every day!!!! Laurie K was a great listener today and I really enjoyed hanging with her today...she & Matt worked so hard to make this all happen and I can never THANK them enough for all they did to include you in the festival. Please know Ellen that all these people can never replace you and I really did miss hanging with you and having all the laughs that we always have when we are together. I felt as if you very right over my shoulder laughing and having the great time we alway have at these events.
Can't wait to talk to you tomorrow...
Love ya Lots,
Jo Ann

PS if I forget to Thank any's not cause I don't want to thank you it's just that I sam really tired......So if i forgot to name you......THANKS!!!!!!

Aunt nancy said...

How exciting to be actively involved in the festival through technology!! Isn't technology great !!! ( I think ?) Well at least in this case it is!!! Hope your having a good day!!! Thinking of you as I always am!!!Love you guys, Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...


We had a nice time at the festival yesterday. It was the first time we visited the MSF. I can't believe we've lived in the area close to 11 years and never took the time to partake in the festivities. Nathan really enjoyed himself. He loves riding in his stroller people watching. I think he had a smile on his face the entire time. I hope you got to see him on camera. He's definetly alot bigger since the last time you saw him. Have a good day!!

Love, Krickett, Dave and Nathan

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen! I heard you are having a bad vommiting day - I'm so sorry. I don't know who you may have spoken to today but we are having a cold and rainy festival! It's so great that yesterday was beautiful - because today is a washout - literally. We are almost totally shut down and it isn't three o'clock yet. I think the weather found out you weren't here and decided to rebel!! Most vendors reported that they had good sales yesterday so they were ok with today...

It wouldn't be so bad if it were not so cold up here!

Hope you are improving today, Ellen. The Festival did not have the same zest without you.

Jan K.

Jen Sedlak said...

Hey Ellen! I told you the love was coming from all of NC! I hope you had a good time watching everyone at the festival. I was so glad to hear the news that you would be able to "be there" in some form. I wish we would have been able to make it, but Kathy's wedding was an all weekend event.

Marcus went to the doctor on Friday and was diagnosed with strep, so we had to rush the meds in so he could perform his ringbearer duties. He was a bit subdued, but did ok. He was really excited to get to hold the actual rings--and he did not drop them!! Maddie was adorable with the other 2 flower girls, and she knew exactly what she wanted done at the hair shop. Tristan looked pretty GQ with the rest of the groomsmen in their Men in Black Sunglasses.
We are tired and cold now! Of course, considering last week was so hot! We had a big brunch and gift opening thing today, and now Joe had to run the tuxes back home. So we are sitting around on the boat watching tv and fighting over the laptop! I won for at least a couple more minutes--Tristan could IM all day when the weather is not good here.
We are staying at Atwood tomorrow too, so hopefully we will get some good weather to go wakeboarding.

Talk to you soon! I am so glad that Laurie was able to do that for you. I hope that it has cooled down some for you guys down there and especially hope the humidity has gone down!
Lots of love-Jen

Anonymous said...


Hope you had a good weekend! I hope you are hanging in there and feeling better each day. I know you must be anxious to get the next treatment started and over and done with. Keep you sprits up and keep fighting this everyday. miss you and hope you are well...
Love Kelly Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen: I too visited your booth at the Main Street Festival. I spoke to Hilary and loved your art work. The photo of you and Ryan was beautiful. I would love to see all of your wedding photos when you get home. Small world, Hilary said she want to freshman homecoming with Dominic Salpietra who was a good friend of Ryan's and they all went to dinner together. I didn't remember her but do remember that we drove as the guys didn't have their licenses. She was a doll. Bob and I definitely want a painting, can we pick colors? Let me know. Lots of love to you. Glad you enjoyed the taste of NC. Have a good night. Love, Anna Hillhouse

Anonymous said...


As you read this Ryan will be on his way home and not a minute to soon!

Lest you hear it from someone else, Christy, made an amazing discovery a few days ago:

There I sat in the kitchen, reading the paper, drinking coffee and generally zoned out. The screen door flies open and there stands Chris, wild eyed, hands on hips and almost speechless (I know, that is something in and of itself).

She had been over tending to your bladderless cat, Nugent, (Chris has become the Ambler Ave equivalent of the Cat WHisperer) and had run acro
ss the drive as fast has her legs could carry her. Practically breathless... and I might add in a very, very confidential way...reported:

"You will never guess what I found over by Ryan's window."

I was just finishing a very good editorial: "What dear, tell me, lest I explode from excitement."

"Ryan," she whispered, "has a wood pecker."

Now she had my attention. Hit by ten thousand volts of really juicy neighborhood gossip, I was off the stool in a flash.

Then,"You wanna see it, come look."

So Ellen, out the door we went and across the drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"The bedroom, by the window" she said in a low voice. "And don't say a word, we have new neighbors ...."

So in the door, and up to the bedroom I went. This was sacred territory and I was reluctant. But Chris was right behind me, pushing. She kept saying, "you gotta do something, you gotta do something."

Looking around, I saw that Ryan in fact had a wood pecker.

I was pretty shocked, frankly. That's a pretty big thing for me as I have never seen one up close.

So, in the interest of protecting the sanctity of the neighborhood, ensuring your confidentiality, I opened the bedroom window.

With no one looking, I examined the ... mud wasp nests and sure enough right there was evidence of a wood pecker. A score of little pecks in the wood. So, I scrapped away the mud nests that the wood pecker was feeding on.

Ellen, Ryan's wood pecker is gone. It won't be back and the entire matter was handled discreetly. Not a single neighbor will ever suspect that your home harbored something as offensive as this. (that ratta tat tat can be very annoying in the early hours). I would have prepared a special dietary supplement, but someone we both know and love gave all the nutrients to the groundhogs!

Come home soon. I don't think I can bear anymore exciting Saturday mornings!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say HI! The move went well yesterday :) Maybe give me a call when you get a chance if you're feeling up to it, El.
Love you guys! Jaime

Anonymous said...


Hope you are well today. I think Ryan had to return home for work and hope you are getting along without him there by your side. thinking of you today and hoping you are feeling wonderful! hang in there and keep smiling. have a good day and an even better night!
kelly dragoiu