Wednesday, August 29, 2007

more fluid

it's been a relatively slow day, really. because of a few anxiety attacks yesterday and through the night, ellen has been given new medication to help her relax. as a result, she spent most of the day napping.

she was wide awake, though, when she had another 3 liters removed from her abdomen. if you recall, she was not conscious enough the last time to remember the process. she handled it well, despite not knowing what to expect. to clarify, this is not like the chest tube that she had to remove fluid from around her lung. in this procedure, called a paracentesis, they first take an ultrasound image to find the pocket of fluid. after marking the spot, they insert a needle that has a plastic sheath around it. when they find the pocket of fluid, they remove the needle and attach the tubing to vacuum jars and suck it out. the whole process took about 35 minutes.

since then she has been alternating between naps and visiting with todd, who came in late last night, and angie, who was here for a few hours.

keep the positive thoughts coming. she will certainly need them in the upcoming days.


Jo Ann said...

Hi Ellen & Ryan,

Lots of positive thoughts ans prayers from our home to you down there. Ellen, hope you are resting and know that we love you alot. Ryan thanks for the updates and Thanks for taking such great care of Ellen. Susie, take care of Ellen & Ryan and keep the faith that you so strongly have.

Love to you all,

Jo Ann & Tom

Anonymous said...

Dear Ellen and Ryan,

You're both in our prayers and thoughts. We pray so much for you to be back at home - together & healthy. Keep your faith and all of that positive energy that you have had from day one.

Everyone asks about your bracelet and I tell them about Ellen & Faith Hope Love.

Love and a Big Hug,
Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

Ell and Ryan,

Hopefully the removal of the fluid will alleviate some more discomfort for you. Hope your day was restful and that you are hanging in there.

Thinking of you,
Kelly Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,

When the times get tougher, you know you have that much postive energy coming from all of us as we will have you on our minds even that much more with ever more faith & prayer support.

You toughed it out before,so you now know what in is store, may God lift you up & mellow out the next week & let it come easier for both of you.

Ryan, keep your hands on her, stroke her with love & support so she knows she is not fighting this alone during this challenging time.

Take care with many prayers,

Barry K.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan, From your latest blog in sounds like the staff is continuing to watch her very closely and keep up with what in necessary. That is a blessing. Praying for all at Ellen's bedside and for her to be given the strength she needs to face each challenge. Love, Aunt Connie and the fam

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
I hope you are all holding up well so far. I'm glad that Ellen is able to sleep through some of what is going on (even if it is drug induced). The less she suffers the better. Ryan, did the doctors say anything about the new fluid in her abdomen? Is it already a result of the second round of chemo?

Dan's mom has a best friend who also has cancer (in her lungs and brain). She had radiation and is also going though chemo. Sue and I talked last night and she said that her friends cancer is responding very well to the chemo. The brain lesions have shrunk and they are starting another round of chemo. It's not the same kind of cancer but I think any story about beating cancer is worth sharing. Sue and Mex ask about you guys all the time and worry about Ellen so much. They still talk about how much fun they had playing cornhole with you guys last summer. It's hard to believe that was a year ago!

I hope tonight is restful for all of you.


Elly Chain said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan! All the positive thoughts and prayers are headed your way. We think of you constantly and know things are headed in the right direction. Keep the faith, stay strong, and know you're not alone in this fight! Love, Elly

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen & Ryan,

I have been faithfully reading the
blog since the start and it is
quite a story. The main character
being a very brave and determined
young lady. This lady has zillions
of friends and families and even
many strangers that are praying so
hard for her. Ryan, you take fantastic care of Ellen and I never
knew of your great writing skills.
Say hi to Suze, Todd, too. We will
all pray for everyone's continued
strength. Miss you all and love
you tons. JoAnn G

Anonymous said...

Hope you both can have a restful night. Getting that fluid out has got to be a relief Ellen. Sleep tight! Cathy

Anonymous said...


Here's to positive thoughts being sent your way! I will be thinking and praying for you. Keep strong Ellen!!

Louann Smith

Unknown said...


My thoughts are with you... STAY STRONG!


Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,

As always..........prayers &
positive thoughts........we want you both back home soon!!!
Keep strong and get your rest....both of you!

Love, Patty

Anonymous said...

Dear Ellen, Sending love and prayers to you, Ryan and your family. Remember the Lord's words "Fear No Evil" He is always right there with you. May you find courage and strength as you face this second round of treatment. Much love, Anna Hillhouse

Anonymous said...

Ryan & Ellen,

Thinking of you both constantly and we're sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

Love, Dave & Krickett

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you !!!Every morning when I get up I run to the computer to see how things are going . I just want you to know you guys are always being thought of and very much a part of my prayers. Stay strong !!!!! Love you Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen and Ryan,

You are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope this week goes quickly and your treatment will be successful. Keep up your strength and faith. I know this will all pass and you will be back home soon. Keep resting and stay strong.

Barb Deuble

Anonymous said...

Dear Ellen - As you now, we have reluctantly allowed your dad some time off to spend with you this week. We will somehow find a way to operate the office without him, but it will be a great hardship. We will attempt to keep the doors open to clients and prospects as the week progresses. We hope that he calls in frequently, as we know we will need his help fielding phone calls. We will try to maintain our client base, but it is too early to tell if we will be able to accomplish that. Again, this is all for you, please be thankful.


Love ya - the GDK Gang

Anonymous said...

Have been thinking of you both and praying for you cointinuously this morning. Ryan, love is very powerful. So keep loving, touching, holding and talking to Ellen. Thank you so much for being there for her. You are amazing. Your father-in-law is amazed at you and loves his daughter so much that he is overwhelmed by you and your love for Ellen! And very thankful you are his daughter's husband. God bless you both.

Anonymous said...

Fight the fight El, you are SO strong. I admire you, you're such a trooper! Keep up the positive thoughts. I know you can do this, especially with Ryan there by your side every minute!
Good they removed the fluid. This should help you to be more comfortable.
Tell your mom and Todd hello.
Love you! Jaime

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,
Thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Can I speak for all of us and say that we all wish we could come down there and hold Ellen's hand, give her a hug, and surround her with prayer and good wishes? Ryan, you are a wonder-husband. Your blogs are amazing, as is your strength. Bless you both.
Jan K.

Jen Sedlak said...

Hey girl!
Stay strong and keep that fighting spirit going. I picture you standing at the net ready to whack an overhead right back at the opponent, and know you will put the same intensity into this fight. Glad to hear that you are able to rest in between visits with Todd. I think and pray for you every day. Ryan-you are the best and there is no one else that could take care of Ellen as you do.

Mister Popular thinks Middle School is just the best. Now all the 6th graders have the same luch period, so all of them at least eat together. He has Mr. Hite, Mrs. Schaub, and will have Mrs. (Kessler-was it) Donnelly for art. He also has Dusty Dannemiller for Science and Ms. Kelly Monroe went to school with us too, but he could not remember her maiden name so I am not sure who it is. I guess I will find out later.

Today will be crazy because it is parents night. He runs with the running club after school until 4:15 on Tues and Thurs. But because of the parent's night football was moved from 6 to 4:45 and I will have one beat kid tonight. I am meeting him up at the school with a sandwhich and football gear between the two.
Maddie thinks 1st grade is cool and likes eating lunch at school, and Marcus starts Kindergarten tomorrow!

Thinking of you always and sending my love and positive energy your way! Sleep, rest, and let your body and the meds fight the bad guys off!

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan, Hold each other tight and know that so many of us are praying for you every chance that we get. Kick this cancer's butt, ok? You can... I don't know anyone stronger than you. Love, Sommer

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan, Hold each other tight and know that so many of us are praying for you every chance that we get. Kick this cancer's butt, ok? You can... I don't know anyone stronger than you. Love, Sommer

Candy said...

Hey babe,

Last night I was reading Davin's little train book titled "I knew you could" and I couldn't help but become emotional because "I know you can too". (Yes, it's a ChooChoo train book!!)

Here are some parts from the book I thought you might like:

I knew you could! And you knew it too--
That you'd come out on top after all you've been through.

You'll go through tunnels, surrounded by dark,
And you'll wish for a light or even a spark.
You might get scared or a little bit sad.
Wondering if maybe your track has gone bad.

So here's some advice to help ease your doubt:
The track you came in must also go out.
So steady yourself and just keep on going.
Before you know it, some light will be showing.
And then you'll be out,
heading to a new place.
You'll be ready for the next tunnel you face.

On the days when you're sad and feel you can't go,
Speak up and ask a friend for a tow.
That's what friends do, so don't be afraid.
You'd do the same if your friend needed aid.

Don't rush forward, as a general rule,
Before you arrive, you could run out of fuel.
Don't overwork and save up some strength.
That way, every day, you can travel great lengths.

You'll need all that strength on days when you're stuck, or tired, or sad, or just out of luck.

When your belief in yourself doesn't feel quite so pure. And your "I think I can" doesn't sound quite so sure.

That's when to push and to strive and to strain. To show the world you're not a giving-up train!!!

Just trust in yourself (and your family and friends).
You'll climb every hill.
Say "I THINK I CAN!!" and you know what?

You will!!

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,

I’m Angie’s wonderful sister-in-law :) I know we’ve never met but I have been following your progress since day one. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through right now yet you manage to maintain your great sense of humor. I love reading your posts and find great inspiration in your strength. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up your positive thoughts and strength and this will all be a distant memory very soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan & Ellen ~

Wow - I love Angie's story - made me tear a little too. We are all out here praying and believing! We know you can do this! I will pray for you both tonight as always - love you and miss you!

love always, Ashley

As I've said before "When you are down to nothing, God is up to something" - I keep repeating that over and over!

Anonymous said...

thinking of the both of you often!

love and prayers


Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen,

Love you and am thinking of you. I wish I could reach through the computer and give you a big hug. I wish you well and miss you lots.

I send my love to both you and Ryan!


Anonymous said...

stay strong my are doing great!!!!!