Thursday, August 9, 2007

an artful life

ellen and i have had some interest in our business, an artful life. some of you are aware of our plans and some are not. i thought i might shed some light on this endeavor.

our idea started when ellen was going through radiation treatment at aultman hospital in canton. as a way of relieving stress, ellen decided she wanted to paint. after completing two works, one for our house and one for her mother's, our neighbor, christy revoldt, commented on how good the paintings were. she suggested that we do some more and sell them. before we even finished talking about it, ellen and i came up with the same idea. we were going to sell the paintings and give half of the proceeds to the north canton medical foundation.

during one of our meetings with ellen's oncologist at aultman, dr. trehan, we opened the conversation about setting up a partnership. dr. trehan was blown away and loved the idea immediately. she promised to pass our idea along and have someone involved with the foundation e-mail us to go over details. within a day we were meeting with the board of the foundation. they explained the foundation and how it would help patients who may be struggling with bills, etc. they wanted us to be spokespersons and we set up a partnership with them over the next several days.

after a few meetings we came up with a name, an artful life, and a basic outline for our business. we are going to create original paintings and craftwork and give half of the proceeds directly to the foundation. we tentatively set up showings and were going to have a booth at the north canton main street festival.

soon after applying for our llc (limited liability company) and making our business legitimate, a test revealed that ellen's cancer had spread through her body.

so our venture is on hold. sort of. we have continued to receive requests for work and are happy to do them, as long as everyone understands that it may be some time.

everyone who has already inquired about a painting, or if this is the first you are hearing about this, please call or email me and i will start to maintain a list. i have all of the information for sizing, color, pricing, etc. available for anyone interested.

ryan gray


Anonymous said...

I have had people asking about this, so it is great you posted it! I hope you both are doing great today and can't wait to see you!!! Get some good eats for yourself and Ell. Also remember to get some good rest yourself. You are a trooper and I hope you know how wonderful you are and that I appreciate your constant updates and care for Ellen. You are amazing!
Kelly Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys-
I love the painting in your house on the wall adjacent to your stairs... the orange, red, and yellow one! Reminds me of a Jackson Pollock painting: (

Ellen I am sure you have paintings to do for everyone how bout I just snag the one off your your wall at home while you guys are gone :) Just kidding I will email Ryan with what I would like. We love you both and cant wait for our next round of "Scene It!" (P.S. When Zac travels I sit at home and watch the game CD and memorize EVERYTHING) Yes thats right I am a cheater...but I am saving everyone the pain & agony of hearing Zac scream "BOOOMM" every 5 minutes.

Keep being the trooper you are, and the many prayers & God will handle the rest.

Love, Kristin

Anonymous said...

Ellen & Ryan,

You both are in our thoughts and prayers. As usual, I am about 6 months late with all stuff NC, so I apologize for the late BLOG entry. Stay strong, stay positive and keep pushing to beat it. It is great that you both keep each other so strong during these tough times.

Kind Regards & Best wishes for a speedy recovery,
Ryan and Jennifer Ellis

Scarlett & Holly said...

Hi Ellen & Ryan,

We're excited to hear about your art company. We want one of your paintings!!! When you feel up to painting again and get somewhat caught up, let us know. We missed you at Gray girls...hopefully it won't be long until you can join us again. Take care of yourselves and keep resting...both of you!
Scarlett says "GET BETTER SOON!" (a direct order from her) Love, Holly and Scarlett

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen & Ryan...I was just reading an article last night about how wonderful art therapy is during recovery - so paint away!! Remember that Ralph Lauren ad that I gave you with the painted jeans? You could have people give you their own jeans to be painted, and that way you wouldn't have to have an inventory of jeans to be painted.

Love you,
Aunt Susan

mark and janet copeland said...

Hi Ellen
Have really enjoyed reading your comments. Our grapevine a little slow-Marsha-Looman-Ruthie- me.You are on the pray list at my church.(StPauls Methoist) Hopefully you have received the pray shawl the church sent.
My daughters mother in law is surving pancreatic cancer so just to let you know mircales do happen.
You will remain in my prayers.
Your friend.
Linda Hively