Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday Evening

well first and foremost, i was so excited to finally see a response again from DR we thought you were banned from writing on the site and it broke my heart. i always laugh all the way through your comments. so you better keep them coming! i expect them. i understand there is major competition with our only if we can get the wood burning family to join in for a nice yard. they cramp all the style in the neighborhood.

today was another usual day. i developed a severe headache again this afternoon and it has finally subsided for a little bit. of course, i'm worried it's spreading to my brain. i think it will be best when i'm back in the hospital getting my treatment. right now my mind is wondering around a million times a day thinking of the what if's. i shouldn't have time for that in my daily life. but it is amazing how long days are just sitting around.

i was going to try to walk down the hall tonight with my walker...yes... for those that don't know... i have a walker that helps me get around. i feel like an old fart but this is part of it. i may just walk around the loft tonight, that helps too.

ryan finally got his new wedding band today. it came into jared. for those that didn't got stolen at the hospital 2 weeks ago in the restroom. not sure what someone wants with a plain wedding band but it was gone so a"few dollars later"...ryan has a new band. he loves it so that is all that mattered.

another good thing that happened today was with the north canton chamber. we can not thank the north canton chamber of commerce enough for the small display they are going to set up at their booth for our art at the msf. ryan spoke with jan today to go through it. it is so kind of you to think of us while we are out of town. it's so exciting to us! thank you so much!

hope everyone had a happy monday.


Anonymous said...

Ellen- Bring the walker home with you- I may need to borrow it! I'm glad I don't live in your neighborhood- I couldn't keep up! Is there anything we can do at this end for the chamber since you won't be here to run things? they will surely miss your guidance! Can we man the display or anything? Just let me know. Take a walk (use the walker) and relax

Jo Ann said...

Hi Ellen...glad to know you are going to walk the steps every day!!!It was good to talk to you today, you sounded good. I will really miss you this weekend but know I am looking forward to working together on the Holiday Parade this December....get better cause we need to start working on that project.
Get lots of rest and I will talk to you soon.
Love ya,
Jo Ann

Anonymous said...

The walking will be great for you but hang in there it can only help you heal and get your circulation going as Dr Justin recommended. Hope you had a good day and you seem to be in good spirits. Hope you enjoyed your time with Ryan today. DR's comments again were priceless and glad the Christy didn't keep his ban from the blog going for too long. Glad my mom doesn't live there because she would be a close competitor in the landscape competition!!! hope you have a good night's sleep tonight...
love kelly dragoiu

Elly Chain said...

Hi Ellen! Love your comments! Keep them coming! Enjoy your down time. Keep those legs moving - as a p.e. teacher I wish I could run races with you! Maybe I'll leave that up to Christy! Glad to hear you've had lots of company! Take care and know that all of us are thinking of yo

Unknown said...

hi ellen!
i'm glad to hear that things are status quo. while you are at home resting, may i recommend buying the complete series of "freaks and geeks." not sure if you remember that show, but it was judd apatow's project (same guy that did 40-yr old virgin, knocked up and talladega nights) from the late 90s. my boyfriend recently bought the series on amazon for $40 and it is the most hilarious show i have ever watched...sure to get some laughs out of you while you are recuperating :)
stay strong, xo
natalie huffman

Anonymous said...

Keep on walking. As difficult as it may seem, it is very good for you! And I know you are amazing and will do your best.

I want artwork. Original Ellen art! Maybe you should get several pieces done and have an auction. I have a bidding card ready! Or add me to the list.

BTW....bracelets.....some of us need to know about them. More info please.

Sorry about the head aches. And the tummy upsets. But, the process makes for some unpleasant times. You appear to handle those times with grace. I am proud of you and so is your daddy! Your numbers sound good. Get strong enough for that next treatment. It seems North Canton needs you home!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!
I sent a big hug to you with your dad, so make sure he gives it to you today! Not the same as hugging you myself but it's the best I could do :)

Hang in there, tomorrow will go by fast with your appointments and before you know it you will have a second round on chemo under your belt.

Try to keep the positive thoughts going...headaches are also a sign of stress and tension which you also suffering a bit of so don't give much thought to it, okay.

Hugs, hugs, hugs!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,
I'm here at Michele's in Denver! I brought Nick and Nate(gtandchildren) to Colorado yesterday. They, along with Michael and Missy will be officially living in Stapleton as soon as the furniture arrives.
Lots of excitement for them;I of course, have mixed feelings about their being gone. Guess I'll be making many more visits to Denver, huh?
Glad to hear that you are walking around the apartment; that's got to be good for you. Keep up with your positive attitude and always know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
All of the Romain's are praying for you as well....

Keep that walker movin'
Love, Marcia

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,
I'm here at Michele's in Denver! I brought Nick and Nate(gtandchildren) to Colorado yesterday. They, along with Michael and Missy will be officially living in Stapleton as soon as the furniture arrives.
Lots of excitement for them;I of course, have mixed feelings about their being gone. Guess I'll be making many more visits to Denver, huh?
Glad to hear that you are walking around the apartment; that's got to be good for you. Keep up with your positive attitude and always know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
All of the Romain's are praying for you as well....

Keep that walker movin'
Love, Marcia

Aunt Nancy said...

Thinking of you today and hoping you and Ryan had a nice day yesterday. Got your card. So happy that your art is doing so well, wish I could afford it. Ha Ha!! Keep resting. Love you !!

Jen Sedlak said...

Hey girly!! Everyone back home is asking about you all of the time! MSF is on the agenda here of course. (I also will be missing it for Joe's sister's wedding.) But it was mentioned that there should be an Ellen lifesize cutout at the event. I don't think that will happen, but we all know that you will be here even if you physically are not present. Well, at least you get out of the extra trash pick up! :)
It is hard to believe, but school starts in 2 weeks! Marcus has a count down for Kindergarten going, but I think he is more excited that he will be in the blue room at Ycare because they don't have nap time! Maddie is ready for Orchard Hill and got all of these skirts and dresses for school clothes-I have no idea where that came from since I am still the tshirt and jeans person! And Tristan-well Middle School, Yikes!The attitude at this age--I wish he would listen to me like the football coaches. He has the hustle and "yes, coach" for them, but not me. Were we really like that? He is now as tall as I am--not hard, I know!
Well I hope this took up some time, and let me know if there is anything I can send. I am going to rack my brain for ideas to keep those boredom busters away!

I keep getting people asking about riding and donating for the Team Ellen for the Tour DeVaughn!
Sending my love, Jen

Anonymous said...

Hi "E",
We had something for your dad to take to you but didn't get it to him in time. Cathy will send along soon. Also Hilary still isn't quite as funny when you're not here to egg her on! She did give me one of your bracelets. The black really makes my wrist look thin! Do you have any that might fit around my waist? Well we miss you at work and think of you often. Keep up the fight and know you are loved! Rich(Stump)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen...Annie is still here in NC. Cannot seem to tear herself away. Must be the lawn competition going on. Ha HA!! The car is half packed. I hope she has enough room for everything. She plans on leaving in the am and meeting Megan for lunch/brunch. Thanks for the nice note..we got it yesterday. We think about you all the time and are sending lots of love and positive energy your way. xoxo christy and the worm

Anonymous said...

hello darling! i so glad that you are blogging away. after you beat this thing you are going to have to keep this blog going letting us all know about your normal day to day activities! : )

you know, it's almost football season ellen! you better be home soon to throw your signature OSU parties. I'm seriously CRAVING your corn dip, CRAVING it.

miss you! xoxo


Anonymous said...

Ellen - the North Canton Chamber has you to thank! You are our favorite volunteer (don't let the other volunteers read this....!) If your friends would like to come down to the booth space in front of the chamber office, not to be confused with the chamber booth in the merchant tent, we would love to have them look after the paintings and help speak for you and Ryan! They can call the chamber at 330-499-5100 to make arrangements.

The Chamber Maid....jk.

Anonymous said...

The contest of houses with Jim was a given. Jimmy is the king of multch !!
I haven't driven by in a couple of weeks but I imagine he has put down 30 yards of the stuff.
And be careful about the "old" stuff. Some people are sensitive about that. Especially the old guy next door to you. I was impressed that Ryan went to Jarreds. He must have watched the adds on TV. Glad he is happy with it though.
Keep moving and going on.
Thinking of you.
Jim E.

Anonymous said...

Ellen and Ryan,
Thanks for being such an inspiration to me. I can learn much from your strength and what is truly important. I just need to know what is the definition of a "loft"?? I know what I think a loft is. Is it another word for an apartment? It sounds cute whatever it is! I also have to add that I won't be able to look Lanza in the eye now that I know she has new "friends"!

Take care Ellen and we will be thinking and praying for you and Ryan!

Sincerely, Louann Smith and fam