Thursday, August 23, 2007


well there is nothing new to report but i am sitting on the couch and don't have any idea what to do with myself so i thought i would write to everyone.

i am still not feeling well but a little bit better. a little bit better is something though!

i am "patiently" waiting for ryan to get back down here. he had a rough few days at home for those that read the blog from dr:) it was quite funny! i think it happened on tuesday. of course he also had to rip up the carpet in his study, take a final and develop an entire website. he has been really busy since tuesday morning until leaving today at 2pm. plus on top of that he had to field calls from me about my prescriptions, crying, etc. this morning my mom and i thought it was an overdose due to how sick i was(that was a 7am call). good thing he is coming back down here. he probably freaks out when the phone rings:)

only 3 full more days until treatment. i can't wait to get back in there to get rid of the cancer. i am going to dread how i will feel but i most likely won't remember it anyhow.

please keep me in your thoughts and prayers (as always)


Candy said...

Ok... maybe I'm a bit obsessed with your blog because I tend to see it first!

I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Let me know if you're up for a visit this weekend -- we have no major plans. Davin wants to see 'miss ellen' -- but he thinks you live at the beach (since he saw you there last). Anytime I mention you he says 'go beach mommy!'.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Angie, I am with you! :)

Ellen, you have a little bit more personality in your writing today - that is a good thing. That means you are in (a bit)higher spirits! :) YEAH.

Bella is sitting next to me staring at the screen. She loves to watch the lights of the computer (and tv). Great. Just what we need...a couch potato at 4 months. :)

"Take care of you." name the movie and I owe you a scarf. You have one hour.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen,

Glad to hear that your feeling a little better....seeing
Ryan will undoubtedly lift your spirits too!
This is such a tough time for you and I'm amazed that you are still keeping a positive outlook in spite of feeling so ill. Good for you,little "Ellen,Ellen, watermelon."!!!You are pretty tough!
Prayers are always coming to you on a continuous basis and remember that all things are possible with the Lord.
Love to you and Ryan; say hello to Mom!
Love, Marcia

Anonymous said...

Sorry it has been a few days since I have written. School started so I am back to working. We teachers are so bad that we continue to complain after having 3 months off.
Well I am glad that you are feeling a little better than yesterday. Monday will be here before you know it and you will be more on your way to beathing that cancer.
When I am running errands this weekend I will look and see if I can find any cute and trendy scarfs for you. I have seen some good ones!
Continue to feel better and I am glad that your husband will be back with you soon! Thinking about you always.
Love you!
Laura French

Anonymous said...


Glad to know Ryan is on his way back to you! I am sure when he gets there you might start feeling a little better. With any luck, maybe the sickness was from him being far away!!!
From your email you seemed to be a little better today and I hope and pray everyday that you feel better and are kicking this cancer's butt!
Hopefully you will feel a little better for the weekend so you can enjoy some nice rest and relaxation before starting up on Monday! Hopefully you and Ryan can have a special weekend together and be able to enjoy each other's company. Rest up and get your strong on for the next round of treatment. Love you and thinking of you,
Kellly Dragoiu

Anonymous said...

hi ellen! oh my gosh! so much going on with you and with ryan. you both need a vacation! you both need a weekend of pampering and relaxing!!hopefully you will have some nice weather in NC so that you can enjoy this weekend! anything from the hurricane hitting you, or was it too far south? how long is your next treatment? one week? then after that, do you have any more treatments/what is the plan/next step? is your taste fully back? how is your appetite? have you been able to sit outside at all, or mostly just inside?

i talked to my brother and he is doing well in europe. we were going to visit him this september/oct, but canceled the trip due to certain reasons i told you about previously. he is taking a trip to thr greek islands this weekend, with a girl! he said he may come home in sept or oct for a friends wedding, which would be nice, so that i can see him! my parents are leaving in 2 weeks, to go visit him got 10 days. i will keep you posted on that trip!

just wanted to say hi and let you know i miss you!!!!! keep on being strong and feeling better!

love, morgen

Anonymous said...

hi ellen, it's morgen again! i missed the most recent update post, and just read it. that answered alot of my questions! let me know what kind of scarves/hats you like, and i will be on the look out!! i love shopping for stuff like that, and i would really like to get you a really cool one! i am so so happy that ryan is staying down with you, there is always time later, after you are better and completely healed, and treatment is over, for school, etc. trust me, school is always there! the material doesnt change! it will be great for you both to be together; i couldnt imagine not having trevor there with me if i were going through the same thing; you are right, there is just something about having your husband there, especially when you have such a great one, like ryan!! please please please let me know if there is anything i can do for you and/or ryan!!! i pray for both of you!! ok, i will let you go, for the second time! take care! hugs and kisses, morgen :)

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your blog every day - thank you so much for recording your thoughts and feelings even when you feel totally punk. I'm going to Columbus this weekend, so I'm going to Polaris to find you a scarf to add to your collection.
I'm glad Ryan is going to be there with you - what a commitment you both have to each other. You will have a ton of extra prayers come Monday - I hope you feel yourself wrapped in those.
Thinking of and praying for you daily.

Jo Ann said...

Hey Girl,

A little better is better than no better or worse....God I hope there are no English teachers reading these blogs. I know you will be glad to have Ryan back, I know how glad I am when Tom returns from a long week away!!!

Try to rest up this weekend and sleep away next week and you shall be one week closer to getting back home.

Hope the cat is OK.....poor Ryan!!!

Love ya Lots,

Jo Ann

Tell you Mom I said Hi!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea for feeling better! Hang in
there girl! Your consistent
positive attitude is inspiring for
all of us. Ryan sounds like he
was on a marathon when he was home.
I am glad he is back with you.
You and your mom can be in an UNO
tournament sort of like Texas
Holdem. You two could kick butt.
Anyway, the prayers are plentiful
coming your way. Love you guys,

JoAnn G

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen, Ryan should be there by now. Chuck was thinking of him on the road last night at midnight when we were driving down to Strahsburg (?)because someone ( who shall remain nameless) had a dead battery at the drive in theater! School, thank goodness, will be starting soon for the young'uns.
My fingers are crossed that the new nausea medicine is helping. I can't imagine how long the days and nights are for all of you. Keep strong and keep faithful. Love, Aunt Connie p.s. Nameless will be mad at me for telling on him, but I hope it gave you a little smile, then it will be worth it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ell -

That story about Ryan is pretty funny. Hopefully he made it back to Duke without any other house problems! And so glad to hear you're feeling even just a little bit better. Hopefully it will improve and you can have a nice little weekend before checking back in Monday.

Yesterday (Thursday) was CRAZY here in Chicago. I think I told you that my office moved to the Sears Tower, and my office is on the 56th floor. Around 3 I felt my chair shaking and turned around to face the window and a huge storm was coming in - within about two minutes I couldn't see anything. It was so creepy feeling the building moving, and hearing the windows creaking....They evacuated some highrise buildings downtown, but for some reason never the Sears. There were some tornados around the city and a lot of power is still out - luckily, my condo building is okay! Anyway, weather is supposed to be better today, so that's a relief.

Hope the weather is better for you down in Durham! Miss you and love you!

Shannon said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better!!! Thinking of you always!

Love you!
Shannon Fulytar

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better. I am sure you are looking forward to Ryan being back in Durham.
Sending prayers and positive thoughts to you all.
Linda O

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend, Ellen. Hopefully it cools off in NC and you can maybe get outside a bit. Iowa is finally cooler... I'm ready for fall.

So happy your "rock" is back in NC!

Love, The Bradds Family

Jen Sedlak said...

Thinking about you and hoping that you continued to feel better each day. Two more days until round 2!

Joe was in Chicago and area for the last couple of days, but was really lucky that he was able to fly home on schedule yesterday. He said the flooding and storms he saw in some of the areas was unbelievable.

It has been really hot here, so at 11 when I ride the Tour De Vaughn I will probably be sweating buckets. We then have the tailgate party for Southwest for the Preview. Hopefully the weather holds up for the kids.

Maddie finally found out her teacher yesterday. She has Mrs. Ward, and there are 25 kids in her class. One of her best friends (our neighbor in the back)is in her class, along with a few other friends. I am organizing all of the volunteers for screening next week at the Kindergarten Center, and all of these people keep forgetting that they signed up to help and that they can't bring their kids.
Talk to you soon-and sending energy your way as you prepare for this round,

Anonymous said...

Dear Ellen, You have been in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Keep the spirit up. Please tell your Mom Susie that I think of her everyday. With all my love and prayers, Lynn Cobb Jenkins